
17 April 2014

All of the lovely things!

Morning Lovelies!

Well we had a few lovely sunny days this week - was that summer do you think?! I hope you managed to enjoy the nice weather, I was working but managed to have a nice evening in the garden with Zoe and Martin - Zoe loves watering the flowers, although she does seem to prefer watering her toes!

Here are a few things that have made me smile this week:

> Lucy from Attic 24 has blogged about her new bag! It's so colourful and I am so, so tempted to buy a Lucy pack of wool so that I can make one too - I probably have enough yarn though (said no-one, ever!!).

> This post from the Sparkly Panda: 'I just love all the things' - I completely identify with Rhiannon - there is so much that I want to do, so many interests, and I just don't have the time! When I do get time to myself, I spend so much time deciding what I want to do that I run out of time to actually do it!!

> This post from ohnorachio about creating a strong brand image is so useful, and something that I want to work on for my brand. Now to decide on the colours!! I'm thinking pink and turquoise - what do you think?

>Jo from the Perfect Hiding Place has blogged about what she's currently working on - her WIPs! I have too many WIPs at the moment and have more that I want to get started on - namely a pair of crochet socks! I must finish what I start!!

> The Imagination Tree has an awesome 'recipe' for glitter salt dough - I have got to try this for Zoe to play with - think about the gift-giving opportunities! Here Grandma - a lump of dough that Zoe licked and then poked with her finger! How adorable!

> I am in love with this foxy necklace from the Tattooed Lady shop - and £1 of every sale goes to charity! Woop!!

What have you found this week that you think I would like? Let me know in the comments!

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7 April 2014

Insta-Update #4

Hello Lovelies!

Here's Insta-update number 4 - these are so much fun! I'm a bit behind on these - the last one was put on the blog on 13 March, but all the photos were from February! So here's a few more Instagram pics for you to enjoy!

This is what we have been up to lately:

While having a lovely little pootle into town one lunchtime I passed the Lonsdale cinema, that (as you can see) is in the process of being demolished. There was a lot of discussion and debate when it closed for good in 2006 about what to do with the building, however it sat empty for years and was eventually bought up by the new 'aparthotel' next door, the Halston, and they are turning the land into a car park. It's a shame that there wasn't enough support to keep it open, luckily though, they kept the two Art Deco windows (hidden behind a bingo sign for musky years), one has been gifted to the city by the hotel, and the other will be on display within the hotel itself. Yay!! 

I actually walked past it again more recently and there is a huuuuge hole in the back wall now, you can see right inside to the auditorium - pretty cool!  

On world book day Zoe had to dress up as her favourite book character. I know Peppa Pig is really a TV character, but Zoe has a lot of Peppa books, and she does love Peppa. However, as you can see, she didn't exactly enjoy being dressed as Peppa!! I spent ages making those ears as well! 

(By the way, that isn't a life-size Peppa standing next to her, I'm just holding it closer to the camera. I thought I should explain that as someone thought it was a giant Peppa that was scaring Zoe!!)

Zoe was very happy to get a big girl bed! We actually got the frame off Freecycle, so just had to buy a mattress (thanks to Diane for getting it all the way from IKEA Newcastle!). We've also got her a Peppa Pig duvet set which is in the wash at the moment.

I think the bed has made a BIG difference to her sleeping patterns, if she wakes up during the night it is a lot easier to get her back to sleep i.e. She will actually just get her dummy back in and a bit of a rub on her tummy/back and she's off to sleep. When she was in the cot she wouldn't lie back down, we had to take her out and snuggle her in then try to put her back down without waking her up - not very successful and usually meant one of us (me) being awake for up to an hour each time she woke, which could have been a few times a night. I've also noticed that if she comes into bed with us now she fidgets about and it takes her a long time to get back to sleep - I'm thinking that she likes having her own space in her bed. And I know that I like having my bed back too!!! 

I thought Zoe's outfit looked very spring-like and with the pink duvet cover and yellow wall I thought this would be a pretty colourful spring-y photo!! Zoe decided to do a Becky Bedbug style pose too which was super cute!!

If you haven't heard of Becky, head over there now! She's one of my favourite bloggers, I always look forward to her posts, and love seeing what she's been getting up to and seeing her cute outfits! 

Off you go, I'll just wait here...

Ah you're back! Hi!!

This day was pretty awesome. I booked onto a course for work about LinkedIn in Newcastle with the very lovely Jo from The Perfect Hiding Place. The training was only from 12.00 - 2.30 so we figured we could have some fun in Newcastle too!! 

After a very fast walk up to Primark, I did the fastest ever whiz round in the history of ever, and managed to get a dress, a scarf and some red leggings too! I didn't have time to try all the shoes I wanted to though so didn't end up buying any. 

After the training event (which was very useful and also - yummy lunch!) we headed into Chinatown for some bubble tea, passing this post box on the way - probably the oldest one I've seen in real life!! Very exiting for me, I think I may have worried Jo with the level of excitement I was showing for a post box!! 

Jo went to meet Jen so I had a very quiet train ride home across the country, watching YouTube videos and watching out for all the little lambs in the fields. Cute! 

Well I hope you enjoyed this little update, and it is also my 100th post!!! Yay!! 

Linking up with 'the week that was captured':

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3 April 2014

Interview with Becki from The Explorer on mental health issues

Afternoon Lovelies!

This is pretty hard for me...

I recently did an interview with the lovely Becki from The Explorer blog about my experiences with mental health. I haven't talked about it much here (if at all), but maybe now is a good time to share.

Here's the interview: Raising the Roof with Anna - please be nice! You can come back and let me know what you think as well if you want...

If you want, go and have a little read of my interview, and then read all of the other interviews Becki has done. She's doing a fantastic job raising awareness, so if you feel like spreading the work, go for it!!

So that I'm not posting without a photo, here's Zoe in a hat!

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