
12 September 2014

The Reading Tag 2014

Hello Lovelies!

I saw this tag over on Catherine's blog and as she tagged 'anyone and everyone' I thought that I would do it too! I've seen various book and reading tags floating around for a while now and wanted to do a video, but then I chickened out! Boo!!

I certainly don't get as much time to read as I did BZ (before Zoe), but that just means that I really savor those moments I do get a chance to curl up with a book! 

The reading tag 2014 - my to read list

Do you have a certain place for reading at home?
There are a couple of places I like to read - number one is in bed - comfy, cosy, sleepy time! I find that I sleep a lot better when I read before bed than if I go on my phone. The second is in the bath - not that I have time for long baths these days, but when I do I like to fill the tub with the hottest water I can stand, turn myself pink like a lobster, and (if it is the evening time) have a glass of cold white wine while surrounded by bubbles (usually from Lush!). Perfect!

Bookmark or random piece of paper?
At the moment I'm using a card that I was sent by Newton and the Apple when I bought Martin's fater's day presnet form Zoe - it's a little card with constelations on that says something like 'You are a star - a super shiny one' and it also says 'thank you anna!' on it - it makes me smile!

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter or a certain number of pages?
I can usually stop anywhere if I'm tired and then can pick up where I am again quite easily, although if it is a super exciting 'page-turner' type of book, I tell myself 'one more chapter' then ignore myself and keep reading! 

Do you eat or drink when reading?
On the rare occasions I get the chance to have an afternoon read then a cup of tea is my drink of choice. As I said above, bath = booze!!

One book at a time or several at once?
Usually one book at a time, although if I get a graphic novel mid-way through a long book, then I'll take a night or two out to read the graphic novel instead. It's nice to have a break sometimes! I would struggle to read two fiction books at the same time though - I have enough trouble remembering the plot of one!

Reading at home or everywhere?
At home, I don't really have the opportunity to read anywhere else usually. Although if I have to go on a train journey I'll take a book with me (but sometimes it makes me feel a bit squiffy - especially those pendolinos!!). 

Reading out loud or silently in your head?
The only time I read out loud is when I'm reading to Zoe, and then I like to put on silly voices. The mouse in the Gruffalo is always super camp when I read his voice though - and the snake has a lisp! Please tell me that other mums do this too?!?!

Do you ever read ahead or skip pages?
Sometimes my eyes will 'accidentally' skip down the page - especially if it's an exciting bit! I don't like to skip pages in case I miss something exciting, or crucial to the plot. 

Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
Sorry - I break spines! Does that make me a bad reader? I don't care!! 

Do you ever write in books?
No! I did once, a looong time ago - I tried analysing a book like it was some sort of GCSE coursework project. Sad or what?

What are you currently reading?
I'm reading The Tudor Princess by Darcey Bonnette which Martin bought me for my birthday. Or our anniversary. I can't remember! I do have a massive pile of books to read though and I'm eagerly awaiting Insurgent coming out in paperback! 

I will also tag anyone and everyone! Leave me a comment if you do this tag!

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5 September 2014

Zoe's Birthday Party!

Hello Lovelies!

On 16 August our little Zoe turned two! How did that happen, I do not know! We had a quiet morning opening presents, and then at 2pm family started arriving for the little party. I should have taken some photos of the decorations I did - a yarn-covered number '2', some tissue paper pom-poms in mint green and pink, and a little yarn pom-pom bunting. Very cute!! I also stuck photos of Zoe along the wall which people loved looking at, and finding themselves in the photos too!

Here are a few photos from the day:

Zoe taking a little break from opening her presents to sit in the giant cardboard box!

Zoe's dress was bought by Martin's Mum - it has loads of little shoes and bags on it! She didn't want to wear her pretty party shoes either, but these winter boots - that's some style you got there Zoe!!

One of her presents was this umberella - she walked around for ages saying 'rain! rain!' and poking people with the brolly! Please note the footwear change to blue mock-crocs with socks - another fashion faux-pas Zoe!

 Blowing out the candles on her Thomas cake with Daddy - who managed to singe her fringe just after this photo was taken! 

We sang happy birthday to her three times - the first time she blushed and went so shy - it was super cute!! 

What was your best birthday?

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2 September 2014

What I brought home from Woolfest 2014

Hello Lovelies

Wow, so this post has been sat in my drafts for a while! Remember back in June I went to Woolfest with my most amazing godmother Penny? No worries if you can't (it was aaaages ago!) - you can have a little read about my exciting day here.

Anywho - I said that I would share with you all of the lovely things I brought home with me and here they are!

First of all I just want to show you all of the lovely business cards and leaflets that I picked up from the various stands and stalls. Aren't they bright and cheery! I love keeping little bits and pieces like these, and if I was a more organised person I'm sure that they would be stuck in a scrapbook. But alas I am not organised and they are in a paper bag on my dressing table. Sigh.

This was my 'big treat' from the day - I didn't have a lot of money to spend so I wanted to get one skein of yarn that was soft and squishy and bright, so that I could have a go at crocheting a shawl/scarf type of thing. This is the yarn that I picked. It's from and it's called Unicorn Dreams. And it sparkles. Need I say any more?!?! It's a 4 ply/sock weight yarn so perfect for a shawl, and I've almost finished it! I'm using this pattern from A la Sascha on Etsy and it's called the Windmill Shawl. There are quite a few mistakes in it, but there is no way I'm frogging it back - it's taken me so long to make!! Once I'm finished I will surely do an Attic24-style 'Ta-Da' post for you all!

This lovely spiral of gorgeousness was my other purchase of the day. Actually, Penny bought me it (thanks Penny!), not so that I could have a go at spinning (as much as I would love to I just don't think I have time for another crafty hobby!), but so that I can use it in my needle felting. I wrote a little post a while back all about needle felting, and even reviewed a book too. But I really want to use these tops for a flat needle felted picture, that I am imaging I would then stick on a bit of card and send to a lovely person. Whether I ever get round to it or not is another matter! In the meantime I just enjoy giving it a squish whenever I come accross it in my stash.

I'm planning on popping to Yarndale at the end of the month, so no doubt there will be more purchases and another post coming up all about that. I want to meet Lucy from Attic24 but am a bit scared I will go all fangirly and scare the bejeebus out of her.

Anyone else going to Yarndale? See you there!

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