
25 February 2014

The Mummy Tag

Hello lovelies!

So I was reading through all of the subscribed blogs on my bloglovin feed (you can find me here!) this morning and saw that Amy at Cocktails in Teacups had done 'The Mummy Tag', and she tagged, well, any and all mothers that read her blog!! So, I thought I would do it, as it has been a while since I have done a tag, and maybe you would like to know more about Anna-as-Zoe's-Mummy!


1. Are you a stay at home mum or a working mum?
I work 4 days a week, 9.00 to 4.30, and so Zoe goes to nursery three days a week, and then to her Gran and Grandad's (Martin's Mum and Dad) on a Monday.

2. Would you have it any other way?
I would LOVE to be a stay at home mum, but unfortunately we just can't afford it!! Maybe one day! But I do enjoy my job and to be honest I enjoy going to work and being a 'grown up', maybe it would be better if I could do it 3 days a week instead of 4!!

3. Do you co-sleep?
Zoe slept with us from about 3 months to about 6 months, before that she was in the moses basket and after that in her cot in her room. Now she goes down at night in her cot but if she wakes through the night she usually (99% of the time) comes into bed with us.

4. What is your one must have item for your baby?
She is pretty attached to her dummy at the moment, but she also has a snuggly (a muslin cloth) and a little piglet that she likes to cuddle when she has nap time at nursery. Heaven forbid we lose any of those items!

5. How many kids do you plan on having?
I think if the next one is a boy we will just have two, but if we have another girl we might try for a third!!

6. Date night? How many nights per month?
We don't really have date nights, maybe once every couple of months. To be honest, if we don't have Zoe one evening we are usually too knackered to do anything except sit on the sofa and then go to bed early (to sleep!!). Martin's Mum and Dad quite often have Zoe on a Sunday night (maybe once or twice a month) which is lovely, and my Mum is having her this Friday, so we are getting a takeaway and watching a film. Yay!

7. Your child's favourite show?
Peppa Pig!! If she wants it on the TV, she points and tries to whistle the tune - it is so cute!! She also likes Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom (luckily these are two programmes that both myself and Martin don't mind watching because they are funny for us too! Mummy Pig is funny!!).

8. Name one thing you bought before having your baby that you've never used?
To be honest I can't really think of anything. There were some clothes we had that she never wore as she had so many given as gifts, but apart from that, I think we planned well and didn't buy anything in a panic that we didn't use. I did buy her a Whinnie the Pooh lullaby nightlight thingy that she hated, so that is in the attic in case the next one likes it!!

9. Your child's favourite food?
She really loves chilli-con-carne (not too spicy though)! She also loves ham and cheese - she much prefers savoury to sweet things.

10. How many cars does your family have?
Just the one, I have it Monday to Thursday for work and then Martin has it on Fridays and we share at weekends!!

11. Weight gain before, during and after pregnancy and now.
I don't weigh myself, but I was a size 12 before I got pregnant and went up to a 16/18 while pregnant. I'm still sort of 14/16 now, and am happy with that thank-you-very-much!

12. Dream holiday with your kids?
I think Disneyland is probably the ultimate holiday destination for kids - I know that Martin would absolutely hate it though, and to be honest it would probably annoy me quite a bit, but Zoe would love it! Is there a Peppa Pig land? She would love that more!!

13. Dream holiday without your kids?
Japan! I wrote about it aaaages ago, and still feel the same. But to be honest, I don't see why my dream holiday would be without the kid(s) - I would miss them too much!

14. How has your life changed since having your baby?
Every thing has changed - life is so very different. Zoe comes first all the time, she is my top priority in everything and the motivation for me to do what I do.

15. Finish the sentence.. 'It melts my heart to see..'
Zoe playing with other kids at nursery and booby class."

16. Where do you shop for your kids?
There is a fantastic second hand baby shop here in Carlisle called Pixie and Bobs that is great for kids stuff - we buy a lot of things from there, especially clothes. Kids grow so fast that a lot of the clothes in there have hardly been worn! We also get a lot of stuff from Amazon too.

17. Favourite make up and skincare products?
Zoe doesn't wear make up! I don't wear much either to be honest, unless I'm going out. I use Lush's Dream Cream a lot on my skin, and always have a pot of sudocrem for Zoe.

18. Huggies or Pampers?
Neither!! We have tried loads and we don't really have a favorite. Aldi are good, so are Lidl (when they have them in) and I quite like Asda too.

19. Have you always wanted kids?
I think so, as long as I can remember I have anyway.

20. Best part about being a mum? 
All of it! Yes, even when she wakes me up in the night, or is having a clingy day and won't let me do anything, she is still the best thing I have ever made and I love her to pieces!!

I hope that you liked reading a bit more about mummy-anna!!
I think that I will also tag any and all mothers who read my blog!! It's a neat idea Amy, thanks!! If you decide to do it, please pop the link the comments so I can go and have a read (I love to be nosey!!).

THANKS photo thanks-signature_zps76499913.jpg

3 February 2014

Insta-update #2

Good Afternoon you lovely lot! How is Monday treating you so far?

I loved doing my last Insta-update, so I thought it could become a semi-regular feature her on the blog. What do you think? It probably won't be every week - I don't put enough on Instagram for that - but every now and again I'll stick a few pics on here and witter on about what we've been up to.

Here we go...!!


It was a pretty grey and miserable day in Lancaster the other week when I went down for our team meeting, but on the way back to the train station, I spotted this colourful little bit of yarn bombing! It really brightened up my day and sent me home with a cheery smile on my face. Now I'm planning on yarn bombing something up here in Carlisle - anyone have any ideas?? 

Oh, and after posting this picture on Facebook, I got a lot of questions "what exactly is yarn bombing??" so I had fun explaining it and showing people the photos from Lucy's blog about the yarn bombing that was done for Yarndale last year. I'm planning on going to Yarndale this year - and Woolfest in Cockermouth. I planned on going to Woolfest in 2012, but then Zoe appeared. Then planned for 2013 but there was the wedding and... well, I didn't make it again. This year I will go!!!


We have had a few mornings lately with gorgeous sunrises - this one was about a week ago. It's funny going on Instagram sometimes, as there will be similar photos from my friends across Carlisle (and sometimes further afield)! 


I've mostly been keeping up to date with my crochet mood blanket, I should have done 12 by today's date but have only done 10 - not bad really!! I'm planning a few nights this week of crochet while Martin plays on the xbox. I love that we spend time together, each in our own little worlds, but happy enough to pause and chat about little things. 

I made Martin the little crochet heart from Sam's pattern - she shared it on her blog the other week and I could not wait to make it! I used the red cotton yarn that my lovely godmother gave me when I went to stay with her in Seascale for her birthday. We had such a lovely weekend, wine, good food, and great company!! I met her sister who is a knitting queen - go and have a look at some of her projects on Ravelry here. Both my godmother and her sister make the most beautiful lacy shawls. I wish I could knit!!


Oh, and here is Genghis, who is "helping" me make some crochet squares. Cheers Genghis!!

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