
27 March 2013

What's Been Occurring Wednesday #10

Happy Snowy Wednesday Everyone!!

Wow - it's really snowing here! It usually doesn't hang around for long in Carlisle though. So - what's been happening this week?

Well on Thursday I got some very nice post! I won some handmade poppy seed soap from Sooz in the Shed and Sue very kindly put a bonus lavender soap in the envelope too - yummy!! I also received some supplies for my little Etsy shop - some brooch backs and some split rings for keyrings. Not very exciting, but they were purchased with funds from my first sale, so it was exciting to me!

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 Poppy seed soap

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Bonus lavender soap

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Not-very-exciting-to-most-people supplies

Friday. Now Friday was just horrible. Poor little Zoe fell forwards while she was playing on her mat and burst her top lip open. Poor thing! I was in a right state. We ended up at A & E, where they had a look at her and said that there was nothing needed doing (phew). I felt terrible and was dreading telling Martin. I've spent the days since feeling like a terrible mummy and have hardly let her out of my sight since!

I was in town on Friday morning having lunch with a friend, and we came upon a new gift shop in Treasury Court - Ashbridge & Brown. They have some lovely items, including:
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 Bags by Eleanor's Attic

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Crockery from Pip Studio

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 Cards from Pip Studio (this one was my fave - sorry about the rubbish photo!)

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 Soaps and Smellies (made here in Cumbria) from Edens Secret

I also went to Wilko's (on the advice of Anna from miss-beatrix) to get some (cheap) washi tape. I also got some pretty twine, so I feel like making some washi tape bunting now!!

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Other things I've been busy with this week:
  • Working on a new blog design
  • Making some cards up for Special Occasions Stationery to display in shops
  • Eating a yummy roast dinner, made by the wonderful Martin
  • Skype-ing with my Mum in Australia
  • Started to crochet Martin's birthday present
  • Sending and receiving Easter #postcircle cards
  • Eating the most divine pizza
Thanks for reading


  1. I am loving your blog, it isn't snowing here in Northern France but still a little cold. I am at

    1. Thanks! Most of the snow has gone already!!

  2. So many lovely things! Thanks for showing!

  3. Wow that shop looks amazing! Is it in Carlisle? Hope your little girl's feeling better x

    1. Yes, it's in treasury court (behind McDonalds near Merienda). It's awesome. Thanks - my little Zoe is loads better. You can hardly see anything now!

  4. Oooh glad you managed to bag some washi tape. I am a proud owner of the blue PiP Studio teapot and pink teacups but that photo has just made me greedy for more! The soap looks gorgeous too. x

    1. One of the girls in my #PostCircle group went to buy some on Saturday and they had sold out - so I think I was lucky to find some! There was so much nice stuff in that shop - it's a good job I don't have a credit card.

  5. Despite the fact I know those cakes are soap, I can't stop myself from wanting to eat them. Soap shouldn't look that delicious! xx

    1. I know - I didn't rralise they were soaps at first and I was all - look! yummy cakes! nom! and then I was WOW!! Ha!
