
29 April 2013

Bloggers of Note #2

Hello to you my bloggy friends!

I thought that today I would update you on some relatively new (to me) blogs that I discovered and just LOVE, as well as some old favorites. I read all of my blogs through Bloglovin' and you can follow this blog there as well, by clicking here!

Hook, Line & Sink Her - Katie's writing style is fantastic. I don't know what it is exactly, but quite often I will find myself spitting my cup of tea all over my pc/phone when reading her blog. So it is thanks to her that I don't drink blogs with a cuppa anymore!

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Once Upon a Time They Lived Happily Ever After - Danielle's blog is like no other blog! Her weekly Inked and Awesome posts are inspiring - making me what more tattoos! As well as having a lovely blog, she is also a lovely human being, super helpful and super nice.

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Bugs & Fishes by Lupin - I have followed Laura's blog for many years now, and have always found her work to be so inspirational. Laura has been dropping hints that big things are afoot for her and her business, so I am waiting with bated breath to see what treats she has in store!!

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Ohnorachio - I found Rachel's blog through Etsy, I spotted her gorgeous hand lettered notebooks and plates on there, and followed the trail to her blog. I adore her blog, it is filled with all the things I like most - crafting, baking, and looking round people's houses!

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Tilly and the Buttons - Tilly makes the most gorgeous clothes and even drafts, makes and sells her own patterns, such as the Mathilde Blouse. You may have seen her recently on the Great British Sewing Bee, where she went much too early if you ask me! Her blog is really instructional for sewing beginners and those with experience too.

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Thanks for reading

P.S. There will be a few new items going up in the shop later today - yay!!


  1. Aww! How absoultely lovely of you!!
    Although weird as I have a 'Share the Love' post drafted with you in it! haha :)

    Thank you <3

  2. Aw thank you! :) Although I'm sorry I made you spit tea everywhere. Perhaps I should sell home insurance on my blog? :) xxx

    1. I think that would be a good idea - would it cover drunken DIY???

  3. Thanks for the heads up on some great looking blogs. Stopping in from better blogger network.

  4. oooh I always like finding new blogs/friends

    1. Me too :) hehe - and love your blog as well xx

  5. Thank you SO much for this post! I'm fairly new to the blogging world (since March 15 in fact) and just love finding great blogs. Like yours :-) I'm your latest fan!

    1. Ooh thank you so much - a fan!! Don't think I've ad one of them before!! All of these lovely ladies are friendly and kind and just darn wonderful! Welcome to blog world!! x
