
26 April 2013

Etsy Finds Friday #16 - Geek Alert #2

Hello and good day to you my lovely readers - what a glorious morning! The sun is out, the birds are singing, and Zoe won't eat her breakfast! Gah!

How did you like my geeky theme last week? From the comments everyone seemed to like it! This week I have been obsessing over Game of Thrones, so I decided that would be this week's geeky theme! I read an article over on the IGGPPC forums about the languages created for the show, you can go and read it here (spoilers if you haven't seen the latest episode).

This is Etsy Finds Friday number sixteen - all of the previous Etsy Finds Friday posts can be found here. Please come back next week or subscribe so you don't miss out on next week's list!

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Crochet: Matching Khal and Khaleesi mug warmers from Tiny Leviathan! Martin and I need these for our morning coffees!

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Knitting: I have so many WIPs and this bag from Kelly Connor Designs would be perfect to keep them all together.

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Art: Ooh I am really tempted to get this print of the Houses of Westeros for Martin's birthday - Bensmind has lots of tempting geeky prints!

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Fashion: Ahh! I need this skirt from Nerd Alert Creations!! What is better than map + skirt + Game of Thrones?!?!

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Jewellery: I spotted this dragon tooth necklace on Daenerys (my favorite character!) and wanted it straight away - It will be mine! (from Lann)

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Home: I love these little stacking cups from abirdinthehand. I would have the Targaryen one, obviously!

P.S. I made a treasury as there was so much awesome Game of Thrones stuff - go and have a little look here.

Thanks for reading


  1. Ohhh that necklace!!!

    I love it :)

  2. great finds! that bag is funny ^^ and i would reaaaally want the necklace and the skirt, so cool!

  3. that skirt is amazing!

  4. I love the games of throne bag, if only I could knit :( The skirt is epic as well. Love everything! x

    1. Hey, you want to know a secret? I can't knit! I could keep crochet projects (of which I have many) in it instead!
