
4 April 2013

Things That Have Occurred Thursday

Good afternoon and welcome to you lovely people!

Well, my 'What's Been Occurring Wednesday' post has become a 'Things That Have Occurred Thursday' post this week. I was really poorly on Monday night and most of Tuesday, so have been taking things easy. I still feel a bit funny, hopefully I will be right as rain again soon. Luckily no-one else in the house seems to be feeling poorly. Martin says I must be ill because there is chocolate in the house and I am not eating it.

So what has been happening in the world of me?

On Saturday I had an opticians appointment at the MASSIVE Tesco in Dumfries, so on the way there (sort of) we went to Lochmaben. We stopped and had our packed lunch by the Loch, then drove round to the ruins of the castle, where we had a little walk to the bird hide. Apart from an epic nappy situation, we had a wonderful time.  I took some photos on my phone. I had intended to take my Pentax to finish off the Whitby film, but I forgot. Doh!

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The moat at the Castle ruin

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What's left of the castle!

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On the way to the hide

On Sunday we met Martin's Mum and Dad at a little garden centre type thing near Allonby, that has animals and ducks and stuff. They had a craft fair on so I had a mooch about in there - there was a very whizzy crocheter whose work I was admiring. After the garden centre we went for a walk along the beach, where Martin and his Mum collected lots of driftwood, and I collected a few bits of sea glass. Yay! We then went back to Martin's Mum and Dad's for a yummy Sunday dinner. Mmmm!

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Martin and Zoe - it was soooo cold!

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A concrete arrow - read about them here

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Zoe and Grandad being Easter bunnies!

Monday was when I started to feel a bit poorly, but we still went for our Easter dinner at my Dad's with my sister and her family. Then Tuesday I spent basically on the sofa feeling sorry for myself, and yesterday I wrote some #PostCircle letters and took Zoe to the park for a go on the swings.

I hope that I feel better in time for my Mum coming home from Australia on Friday evening - I think we will be popping around wither Friday evening or Saturday morning to see them.

Thanks for reading


  1. Sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly (and about the epic nappy situation- I can't imagine "epic" was being used in a positive way there.... :s) Well done for still managing to get out and about- I really hope you recover soon so you can get back to the important things in life (like eating all those Easter eggs!) xxx

    1. Thanks, I'm much better now!! And yes, epic in a not-good way!!

  2. Oh those epic nappy changes, I remember them well!! Can't believe I'm about to encounter them for a second time ;)

    Hope you recover fully soon.

    I love the castle ruin, what a lovely place to go!

    1. That's one thing I can't get over - how something so small can make so much mess!!
