
10 April 2013

What's Been Occurring Wednesday #12

Howdy Peeps!

I hope that you have all had a nice weekend and are now looking forward to Friday and next weekend! The weekend was a bit poop for us as Martin had to work on Saturday, so we only had a one-day weekend really. Because of this we decided to do nothing at all of much significance on Sunday. But I got bored and ended up taking Zoe out in the car. We ended up in Hobbycraft where I did not buy anything! Well done me!! There were, however, a lot of lovely things that I could quite easily have bought - there was wool/yarn for £1!! Bargainous! Sue (from Sooz in the Shed) works there and has made some lovely displays lately, you can read about them here. I very nearly bought this book, Crochet Bakemono [Monsters!], which has really cute little amigurumi patterns.

I'm trying out a new style this week, with categories - what do you think?

Watching: The Great British Sewing Bee - I'm really enjoying this, but am so sad that SPOILER ALERT Tilly went out this week :( boo! It is making me want to get my sewing machine out again, which has to be a good thing in my opinion! I'm also loving me some crime dramas at the moment, namely The Following and Broadchurch - they are very different, but both shows have me hooked! Martin and I watched the series finale of the Walking Dead, which I found to be a bit of an anti-climax to be honest. SPOILER ALERT I was sad Andrea died (of course), but what happened to the Governor?!?!? We are also watching series 3 of a Game of Thrones - in my opinion, not enough Daenerys Targaryen so far! 

Reading: Alex's Adventures in Numberland - Martin found this book at work, and it is very interesting, if a bit over my head!! Annabel Karmel's Superfoods for Babies & Children - I got this out at the library for some food ideas for Zoe, I think she's getting sick of pasta and rice! Crochet Step by Step by Sally Harding - I saw this in Sainsbury's a while ago and it looked good, so when I spotted it in the library I got it out, and I think I will be purchasing it very soon. There are lots of different patterns and step by step guides - I can see it becoming my crochet bible.

Fave blog posts: Erica from Being Erica has blogged about her life in New Zealand. Lucy from Attic24 has blogged about her holiday in Dorset. Jade from Ginger Pickle has asked 10 questions to Zoe from Ladybird Likes.

Crafting: I spent most of the weekend doing cross stitch. I received a mini kit from Serena through #PostCircle which I completed on Saturday, and then I started a little patchwork style piece from a pattern I found in one of the many cross stitch magazines I bought back in January. I also made a little ladybird brooch and listed that in my shop.  

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 photo currentcrossstitchwip_zps5c7e4c56.jpg

 photo ladybirdbroochonhand_zps50dd5020.jpg

Eating: Well I am still working my way through the Easter eggs and other chocolate that I got for Easter. There isn't a lot, but I am stretching it out so it goes further!! I also got a bag of Australian 'lollies' (that's sweets to us poms) from my Mum who got back from sunny Australia on Friday. I can't wait to eat that Violet Crumble. MMMmmm!!!

 photo australiansweets_zps6b656bc0.jpg

Thinking about: My new blog design; How to manage my time better; Zoe starting nursery in May; Going back to work in June; Stopping breastfeeding at some point in the future...

Thanks for reading

p.s. I have signed up for the Amazon Associates program, what that means is when you follow a link to Amazon from this blog with my referral code in it and make a purchase I receive a percentage for the referral. It's not a lot, but if you were going to buy something anyway, then it's a win-win! Yay! The links above under the 'reading' section are affiliate links.


  1. thanks for the mention Anna!! x

    1. Your blog post made me want to to move to New Zealand!

  2. Great post. :) I started watching the new season of Doctor Who and Orphan Black on BBC America. British candy is always so yummy; love when I'm able to find some in the states.
    xoxo Aimee

    1. Oh I do love Doctor Who, I'm not too impressed by the latest series though, hope it picks up soon!

  3. Love the crafting.
    joined you on GFC name Modonika. Grow network by joining if you like

  4. does the rest of the world not have cherry ripes??
    that makes me sad.

    love being an australian


  5. Well we certainly don't have them here in the UK :( it makes me sad too.
