
29 May 2013

What's Been Occurring Wednesday #20

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Hello you lovely lovely people and a very happy Wednesday to you!

First of all I would like to say thank you so much to everybody who wished me a happy birthday on the blog and on twitter. I got a lots of lovely presents and was spoiled rotten all weekend. Martin got me a gorgeous Tagine so I can cook yummy Moroccan dishes and my little sister (whose birthday it was as well) got me a Bothy Threads cross stitch kit (which I had dropped a not so small hint to her about). Zoe and Martin together got me the most amazing ceramic owl lamp for next to my bed - I've just been to buy a light bulb today so can't wait to get it set up. I also got a big pile of books, some of which I will be doing reviews of because they are crafty books! Yay!

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My presents off Martin - can't wait to try some tagine recipes!

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My godmother Penny knows me so well!

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Martin's Gran got me this lovely felt crafting book

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These are the presents I got off Zoe - isn't she excellent at using Amazon?!

My dad took me, Martin and Zoe out from meal on Sunday lunchtime as a birthday treat. We went to the Golden Fleece which is just outside Carlisle and it was absolutely fantastic! I had the herb crusted loin of lamb with braised shoulder, potato rosti and creamed cabbage and it was divine!! Martin had the most epic burger I have ever seen in my life. My Dad had gammon steak - look how cute the chips are they came in their own little basket!!

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Nom Nom Lamb!

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Chips in a basket!

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This is Zoe playing on the grass at Keswick - we went there on my birthday with Martin's Mum and Dad and fed the ducks.

Other things that happened in our little house this weekend were a trip to Upperby Gala with my mum and sister and our respective families. And I've also been putting together the wedding invitations. Would you like a sneak peek? Here you go!

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I've also had quite a bit of a lovely post over the last few days, not all of it birthday related! I got a letter from my International Geek Girl Penpal Club penpal Kara, as well as a postcard from the Postal Society Intro Postcard swap. The very lovely Helen from #PostCircle sent me these awesome pencils for my birthday - how amazing are these?!?!

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Pretty post!

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Fab pencils!

I got another Liebster award, this time from Julie. I really struggle to think of 11 new facts each time, so I will just let you read my previous award posts which are here.

Oh and don't forget to enter my giveaway to win £15 voucher for my Etsy Shop, a felt brooch and some other lovely bits and pieces. Even if you don't win you can still get 25% off in the shop using the code '30YEARS' until the end of May! 

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  1. The font on your wedding invites looks amazing! I love the owl lamp, felt craft book, and pencils.

    I have the same tagine and it's absolutely brilliant. It's our go-to dinner when we're entertaining because we can prep in advance and keep it the oven; no fussing in the kitchen when people are here :) xxx

    1. Thanks Katie - I wrote it all by myself haha! Ooh you will have to share your fave recipes with me :) Maybe we could have a tagine-themed blog hop ;)

  2. Happy birthday for the other day! I've read Blog Inc. I thought it was really good! :)

    1. Thanks Laura - I have been dropping hints about that book for about 6 months!

  3. Those pencils are AWESOME! You got quite a lot of lovely little pressies on your birthday. I love the owl lamp, and Zoe really is a clever little girl, judging by her expert Amazon skils ;) xx

    1. Zoe is just a genius - she'll have graduated from oxford by age 6!
