
21 June 2013

Etsy Finds Friday #23

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Yay it's Friday everyone! Party party time!! Or, in my case, cup of tea and a Phillippa Gregory novel time! Oh I know how to live!

It's the penultimate EFF of 'Other People's Houses' month here, so this post is all the little things that I think would make my living/sitting room/lounge etc etc whatever you want to call it. Did you see it on the house tour? It needs re-painted, it's sort of a pale pinky-beige colour (pretty gross actually) but all of the furniture is neutral and woods, so anything fits in really.

This is Etsy Finds Friday number twenty three - all of the previous Etsy Finds Friday posts can be found here. Please come back next week or follow me on Bloglovin' so you don't miss out on next week's list!

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Look at these bird skull handles - how cool!! They would look fab on our bureau - they're from billyblue22

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This ceramic mobile from Studio By The Forest is so delicate - I would hang it in front of the window so it would tinkle in the breeze.

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Martin has always wanted an old barometer, this 1950s barometer from Biminicrickets is so pretty

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We already have two of these wheel back chairs (from a skip!) but we would love a full set - I like the two different styles here, but would probably strip the paint off. Sorry PaintonWoods!

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Yay maps!! We would need two of these lampshades (there's two ceiling lights in the sitting room) so we could have a northern hemisphere and a southern hemisphere one. Map lampshades from HummingbirdHome2012.

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This antique thermometer would look awesome on the windowsill - it's from Frenchcollectables.

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  2. The bird skull handles are defiantly my fav of the list!
    Once we finally find a display cabinet, shelving unit type thingy-m-bob that we like we want to find some cool real animal skulls/antlers etc :)

    Hope you're well!
    - Danielle
