
12 June 2013

What's Been Occurring Wednesday #21

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Hello lovely people, how are you all today?

This is my second week back at work and boy is it busy!! Zoe cries every time I drop her off at nursery, which is heartbreaking! I've been pretty quiet on here and twitter because I'm just spending every second I can with her! Hopefully things will calm soon and normality will be resumed!!

As you know, I love peeking into other people's (and other bloggers') spaces - and luckily, just as I was gearing up for my 'Other People's Houses' month, I kept seeing these 'room for improvement' posts popping up in my bloglovin feed. Money Supermarket gave a whole load of bloggers £50 to make over a room in their homes and here are some of the outcomes:

Jo at the Perfect Hiding Place - gingham curtains and colourful photo frames

Oh No Rachio! - your room is so pretty!Look at that little Totoro! And succulents yay!!

Harriet Gray's makeover is awesome I love how she organised her bookcase.

fab illustrated her workspace and it is awesome!!

And here's a look at another craft studio - can you tell I love craft rooms?? Little Miss Crafty's blog

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  1. The last room is too beautiful for words!!

    As for little miss crying when you leave her, it's just a ploy to make you feel bad. I bet she has an awesome time playing all day and is fine. My mam works in a creche and there are lots of little ones like that.
    Hope work is going well, missing you in the twittersphere!


    1. SO much pink!! She's getting better - I lurked outside the window today and she stopped crying after about 30 seconds!!

  2. Bless Zoe; I'm sure it will get easier with time- when you can see her happy and smiling about seeing all her little nursery friends.

    Did you see this last week? I stumbled upon it completely by accident but I'm so happy I did- every blog listed on this post did a FULL HOUSE TOUR last week. And they are all incredible:

    Enjoy snooping! xxx

    P.S. Although not as good as yours obviously- some of them only had a measly 7 bookcases. Illiterates! :p

    1. I had a look at this - awesome find!! I totally agree though - nowhere near enough bookcases!!
