
12 July 2013

Etsy Finds Friday #24

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Happy Friday you lovely lot! You had a good week?

To celebrate the summer that has lasted more than a week, this week's Etsy finds are brought to you by the colour yellow! Yellow always makes me feel happy, but it isn't a colour I really wear a lot, or have around the house. Zoe's bedroom is yellow, but that was mainly because we didn't know what colour 'bean' was going to be - a pink one or a blue one. So, in an effort to introduce more sunshine into my (and your) life, here are some pretty yellow things!

...And it was all Yellow!!!! (you're welcome for that ear worm).

This is Etsy Finds Friday number twenty four - all of the previous Etsy Finds Friday posts can be found here. Please come back next week or you can follow me on Bloglovin' so you don't miss out on next week's list!

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How cute is this wooden squirrel tape dispenser from The Sewing Post? No hiding this little man away in the drawer!!

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...And to be used in my little squirrel tape thingy? why, some pretty yellow washi tape from the most awesome shop Loollipop - so much pretty!!

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I know that Zoe would LOVE these little rubber duck earrings from onetenzeroseven - she is a little bit obsessed with rubber ducks at the moment!

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But how adorable would Zoe look in this little yellow chevron halter neck dress from All Ribboned Out? Spots and chevrons - what's not to love??!!

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I need these printed-on-a-Gecco Owl notelets from Circular Accessories for my stationery stash. What?! You can never have too much owl stationery, I keep telling you!!

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And last but not least, these adorably cute little neeedle felted birds from felt me up designs. I just wish I was this good at needle felting. Practice makes perfect though, right?

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  1. I recently crocheted a "rubber" duck so I am loving these finds! I particularly love the earrings, they are so cool. x

    1. Wow I would love a crochet'd Ducky!! Zoe would probably steal it though!!

  2. Th etiny yellow dress is so cute!

    1. I know - how sweet!! The little girl is adorable too :)

  3. ooh those duck earrings are just the cutest! >.<

  4. Those ducky earrings are so cute! I love yellow! xx

    1. Cute!! I need more yellow in my life - I bought a yellow cardigan after writing this post!!
