
13 January 2014

Book Review - Felt Friends From Japan

Happy Monday folks! Monday? Moan-day more like!!

To help beat those Monday morning blues, I have a colour-filled book review for you today! I'll (hopefully) be doing more book reviews this year, as I have quite a collection and some of them are so amazing that I need to tell the whole world!!

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Felt Friends From Japan by Naomi Tabatha is an A4 sized paperback book, with an emphasis on cute! Naomi includes a whole heap of super cute kawaii inspired animals to make in felt. These take various forms, including soft toys, bags, coin purses, and small softies that you could turn into key-rings or brooches.

There are a variety of animals as well, from woodland animals (such as the deer on the cover) to amphibians like the little frog I made, elephants, rabbits and little people too! Here's my little froggy friend that I made for my mum last year:

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Meet Fernando! He was a little bit fiddly to make as some of the pieces (the arms and legs for example) are a lot smaller than I am used to working with and I sometimes struggled to see the teeny-tiny stitches! I would recomend starting off by making one of the larger projects, such as the elephants.

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One of the things that I like about this book is that a lot of the patterns are actual size so there is no need to seek out a photocopier (you can see an example of the elephant pattern in the photo above). All of the instructions are hand drawn (I think) which adds a lovely touch to the book. The directions are simple and clear, and are easy to follow.

This book is full of cute things to make, and it would be super easy to adapt any of the projects, to change the size, or even create something completely unique using the inspiration and techniques in the book!

You can buy this book from Amazon here

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  1. Those little critters are adorable! I love the little fawn (obviously :p) xxx

    1. I can always be commissioned to create one for you ;)

  2. This looks like a really cute craft book! x

    1. It is adorable! So much cuteness in one book! I die!
