
12 May 2014

Collecting Miscellany

Hello Lovelies!!

How was your weekend lovely faces? It's been a busy one for us, and I've hardly seen Martin as he was working on Saturday and then I was at a wedding fair yesterday! Busy bees are we!! 

Today's #BEDM prompt is 'walk to work week' but as I don't walk to work, and to do so would take too long, especially with a Zoe, I thought I'd stray from the prompt again (as I did in yesterday's post too)!!!

A while ago, the very lovely Anna from Miss Beatrix published a blog post entitled: 'On the subject of collecting'. Go and read it. Now. 

Hello, you're back. Good!! Inspired by Anna's post, I thought I could do a post all about the random things that we collect (we being me and Martin). We have some quite normal collections (foreign coins, stamps, buttons) and some pretty strange ones too.

Here's a list if the things we collect, I'm sure that there's more than this, so I will add to it when I remember. I'm thinking of doing some future posts focussing on some of these in more detail - like the owl  one - I've already started taking some photos for that post!! 

So, we collect:

trig points (AM)
postboxes (A)
sea glass (A)
Corks (M)
Pine cones (M)
National Geographic magazine (M)
Beer mats (M)
Miffy (A)
Owl things (not actual owls) (A)
Mollie Makes magazine (A) - I have every single issue now - woop!!
Books (AM)
Old cameras (A)
Beer bottle tops (M)
Fridge Magnets (M)
Flags (M)
Penguin things (again, not actual penguins) (AM) 
Foreign and interesting uk coins (AM)
Stamps (AM)
Buttons (A)
Yarn (A)


  1. That's a nice list! I love collecting things, I like collecting Coca Cola stuff and tins, I used to collect of other stuff but have kind cut down since moving. I do have LOADS of nail varnish, though I don't consider myself a collector of it

  2. That's a lot of collections! I started collecting Emma Bridgewater mugs for a while, but I have enough of them now to completely fill one shelf of our mugs cupboard, so I stopped. I've also started buying all the books I loved as a child, when I stumble across them in charity shops. Aside from that, I can't think of much else xxx
