
23 May 2014

Date Night #BEDM

Hello Lovelies!

Well, it's been a while since Martin and I had a date night - the last one was Valentine's day (or the day before actually I think) - we went to Nando's and then to a few bars in town - nothing too exciting really.

I was talking to a friend of mine about making the effort to have 'couple' time when you live together, and I had to admit that it wasn't something that Martin and I consciously had to work at. Since Zoe came along, the evening routine is pretty much the same - we always eat together as a family, then quite often we do Zoe's bedtime routine together as well (although sometimes one of us will do some jobs). Once Zoe is tucked up in bed we sit together in the living room and we either watch something together or do our own things (usually blogging or crochet for me and xbox or football for him).

That hour or two where we are together, just us, gives us time to talk about the day, about any things we need to do, and to just re-connect as a couple. Oh I've gone a bit soppy here, haven't I?!

So while we don't have a lot of date nights out, most nights in our house are date nights, in a way.

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1 comment:

  1. I think nights in still count as date nights. We occasionally go out for dinner, and I love the opportunity to just talk without distractions like TV or chores, but we spend time together every evening at home too. xxx
