
9 May 2014

Motivation #BEDM

Hello Lovelies!

So today's prompt for Blog Every Day in May is 'Motivation'.

(source: weheartit)

And I have struggled with what to write, to be honest. When I had a look over the prompts for #BEDM I knew that there would be a few straight away that I would have no problem writing, and some that I would probably struggle with. Like this one.

I'd love to be able to write a 'ten ways to stay motivated' post - but it has been done (try, and to be quite truthful it wouldn't be a list of then things that I do to stay motivated. Because I don't!

My catalogue of crochet works in progress is fairly massive - off the top of my head I currently have on the go:
a pair of arm/wrist warmers
a giant granny-square blanket
a amigurumi bunny
a flower brooch
a pair of baby booties
bunting (this has been in progress since 2012!)
a mandala.

And that's just my crochet!! I also have a cross stitch in progress, a felt bunny that needs sewing together, and pretty much every single Mollie Makes cover kit - untouched!

Part of it is finding the time to sit down and have some un-interrupted crafting time, so I tend to do little, simple projects that I can pick up and put down easily. But another part of it is finding that motivation to get up off the sofa and go and get out crafting things - it's too easy to just stick something on the TV and pour a glass of wine.

Any tips on getting motivated readers?

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1 comment:

  1. I can't help, I'm afraid; but I can give you tips on TV and wine :p xxx
