
18 May 2014

Museum Day - Solway Aviation Museum #BEDM

Hello Lovelies!

The Solway Aviation Museum is run by volunteers up at Carlisle Airport (bet you didn't even know we had an airport, right?). My Dad has been volunteering there for at least 10 years, probably more, which has the bonus of free entry for me!! Woop!

From their website: Solway Aviation Museum is home to a collection of aircraft, aviation artifacts and displays reflecting Britain’s position as a world leader in aircraft design and innovation at the dawn of the jet age. The museum’s primary objective is the preservation of our Aviation heritage, its display and interpretation. The Museum is run entirely by a team of volunteers from the Solway Aviation Society.

All the staff are aviation enthusiasts who dedicate some of their spare time to preserving part of Cumbria’s aviation history. Many have skills and abilities gained from experience in the aviation industry or as ex-service personnel, while others have a keen interest or skill that they are willing to share. We are always striving to develop new ways to present our exhibits and to develop the Museum to a permanent site with covered areas to protect our aging aircraft collection. There is always something to do and current projects include the ongoing repaint of the Vulcan along with the refurbishment of its systems in an attempt to halt the effects of corrosion.

On Saturday we went up to the museum, Martin thought he had visited it once when her was very young, and he didn't remember much. I thought that Zoe would love playing in the planes, but she would only go in one of them! I went in the Vulcan, which was a tight climb up a skinny ladder - it was a fair squeeze to get my big butt into the cockpit!!

Oh, and I took some photos while we were there!

What a gorgeous day!

 The walk down to the Vulcan.

Zoe wouldn't share her crisps with Grandpa!!

Helicopter! The nose opens up so you can see the engine.

Pilot Zoe!

The museum are always looking for volunteers *cough* Jo show this to your Dad *cough* so if you are interested you can give them a ring on 01228 573823.

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  1. Haha - Zoe clearly knows the value of crisps! What a gorgeous looking day out :) xxx

  2. Wow! That sounds like a fascinating museum. I love that it's completely volunteer run - such an admirable thing to do.

  3. It does sound like a fascinating musuem! We used to go on holiday to Silloth every year when I was a teenager and my Dad is really into planes but I don't ever remember visiting it - which is very strange as I'm sure it's somewhere he would've been! If we're ever up that way again, it's on my list :-) x
