
27 May 2014

Off the hook! Crochet finished items #BEDM

Hello Lovelies!

Here is what I have been crocheting this week:

I have been a busy bee making mandalas to send to Lucy from Attic24 to be displayed at Yarndale in September. I'm hoping to go this year, and would love to be able to find mine there in the flesh!!  The one above is my favourite and was made from Lucy's own mandala pattern which can be found on the attic24 blog.

Hmm, this one went a bit wrong, so I won't be sending it off to Lucy!! It's supposed to have 6 'spokes' from the centre but I miss-counted and ended up with 5! The correct pattern if you want to have a go yourself is here.
I then had a go at making a crochet doily from a pattern in Simply Crochet, I think it was this month's issue (i.e. the one that came out at the end of April). I blocked it, but it's still a bit wonky so I may give it another blocking. But what shall I do with it?!?!

Ideas on a postcard please!!

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  1. Lovely crochet. Waiting for inspiration to strike on your spiders-web design. You could crochet an amigurumi spider, sew it on, and stick them up in a corner somewhere? xxx

  2. Beautiful mandalas - I love the colors that you used. I made an Attic 24 Mandala as well. Just popped it in the mail this week. I live in Canada so I won't be able to see the display myself, but am so looking forward to the pictures. My mandala is here if you want to take a look:
