
17 February 2015

What's been occurring?

Hello Lovelies!

Well I haven't blogged since September - poor effort Anna!! One of the (many) reasons I stopped blogging was that we found out we were expecting baby number 2 in October and the morning all day sickness and tiredness meant that all I wanted to do when not at work was sleep. So blogging took a back seat.

But that doesn't really explain the lack of blogging happening over here does it? To be honest I sort of lost heart a bit with it all but I'm hoping to spend more time over here on this little bit of the Internet. 

So what's been happening lately? 

Christmas and New Year was lovely!
I've been nesting, so lots of de-cluttering, sorting, and list making ready for baby arriving in May!
I got a gorgeous new planner! Post coming soon!
We've had some lovely days out with family, seeing steam trains and castles.
Carlisle had lots of lovely snow a while ago and Zoe had so much fun!

I'll be back soon with a post about our day out at Barnard Castle, as well as a few pregnancy and baby related posts!

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  1. YAY! Huge congratulations! You must be due around the same time as me? (June/July) Fantastic news :)

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

  2. Yeah glad to have you back to blogging! Can't wait to see the new posts you have planned, especially baby related ones! yeah! xxx

  3. Congrats!!!!!

  4. Oh my gosh! Congratulations! Oh, and welcome back! :)


  5. Ooh congratulations! That's a jolly good reason for not blogging methinks :-) xx

    1. Thank you! It's a lot harder this time round with a very energetic toddler to look after! I just want to sleep!!
