
21 September 2015

Good things are happening here

Hello Lovelies!

Well it's been a busy time in the Robinson house! Emily is 4 and a half months old now and Zoe had her 3rd birthday last month. We also celebrated our second wedding anniversary in August and managed to fit in a short break in Yorkshire.

Now that things are starting to settle into a bit of a routine I'm hoping to get back to blogging again - I have missed this! I have been keeping up with the blogs that I follow on Bloglovin (follow me here if you want to - plug!!) - helped by breastfeeding and having a Velcro baby that will only nap on me through the day!

Here's a few snaps of what we've been up to and hopefully I'll be back very soon with more posts!

Top L-R: a walk up Binsey - Zoe's first solo ascent and Emily's first assisted ascent!! || Zoe's birthday party- complete with flashing Elsa dress and tiara || a walk up Halin fell - Zoe's second ascent

Middle L-R: Daddy and Zoe on the merry go round || Building a bridge with Grandad || Fairy Day at the Manor - Zoe got dressed up as a fairy!

Bottom L-R: A walk up Latrigg - Zoe's third ascent - complete with new walking boots || I've caught the baby-wearing bug - this wrap was on loan but I have my own now! I'm in love!! || the start of our holiday- a visit to St Mary's lighthouse at Whitley Bay

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Linking up with:

Zenas Suitcase


  1. Glad to hear things are good with you and your brood! Love Zoe's birthday pic and her helping with the bridge-building :) Looking forward to seeing more posts from you, sweet (not chastising! Just love hearing from you :) ) xxx

  2. Welcome back :) I'm so jealous that you are caught up on Bloglovin, I have about 40 posts saved lol! #myfavouritepost

  3. Lovely post! Glad all is well :) #myfavouritepost

  4. That is such a busy month. I love the face paint picture. My 3 year old still won't have it done, and I just don't understand it. It looks so cute! Thanks for linking up with #myfavouritepost
