
15 March 2013

Etsy Finds #10

Good Evening wonderful people. I hope that your week has been filled with nice things. Like chocolate and cake and love and laughter.

I can't believe that I haven't done a post about owls yet! I am slightly obsessed with owls, to the point that everyone who knows me now knows to get me owl stuff for and gift-giving occasion.

This is Etsy Finds Friday number TEN! - all of the previous Etsy Finds Friday posts can be found here. Please come back next week or subscribe so you don't miss out on next week's list! 

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Crochet: This doll from hookmiup combines two of my favorite things - Hello Kitty and owls! Could it get any better?

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Knitting: This pattern is the reason that I want to knit - and these slippers from DaivaGallery look so cosy!

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Art: Guess what? Another papercut! I love the brightly patterned paper behind the cutting, so it's a bit like a stained glass effect. This lovely piece is from keneka

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Fashion: I am in love with this dress from Zoeslollipop. I guess I will need to save my pennies up!

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Jewelery: This delicate asymetric necklace from BevinBold is too cute! It would look great with that dress!

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Home: These hand painted glasses from MeKu are so cheery, I wouldn't keep them shut away in a cupboard.

Thanks for reading


  1. Love all of them! Great finds! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love these picks - especially the necklace. I have an owl dress which I am every so slightly obssessed with and that necklace would go perfectly.

    Kate x

    1. I really really want an owl dress :)
