
14 March 2013

My first award! Eeep!

Hello lovelies!

I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by the very wonderful Gemma over at DuggyDimples! It's the first award I have received and I think I am a bit too excited! But I don't care!!

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The rules of the award are as follows.. 
-  List 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions which are given to you by your nominator
- Ask 11 questions for all the bloggers that you nominate to win the award
- Nominate 9 bloggers with less than 200 followers to win the award
- Go to each of the nominees' pages to inform them about their nomination
- Thank the blogger who nominated you by mentioning them and linking their blog in your post

Here are 11 facts about me:
1. I'm getting married to the lovely Martin on 13 August this year (a Tuesday). We chose the 13 August as it is our anniversary - of when we met AND when we got engaged. So Martin will only have one date to remember.
2. I can (and do) spend hours and hours on Etsy and Pinterest, just looking at pretty things! My favorite thing to do is look at the food boards on Pinterest - but it makes me want cake!!
3. I love really spicy food, like chilli con carne and jalepeno peppers - in fact when I was pregnant, that was all I craved!
4. I wish that it was socially acceptable to wear pyjamas all day every day. Because I would.
5. I have a really really bad memory, except for song lyrics. I only need to hear a song once or twice and I'll know the words - it astounds Martin!
6. I sometimes sneakily watch the shopping channels - my guilty pleasure!
7. I started blogging when I was about 14 or 15, with a really cheesy geocities site, complete with animated gifs of cats and a twinkly star background! 
8. I am obsessed with Doctor Who and Sherlock and can't wait for the next series to start.
9. I feel cold all the time, even in the summer.
10. I have millions of books - well not millions, but a lot! We have at least ten bookcases, full to the brim in our house.
11. I over-use exclamation marks! As you can probably tell from this list!

And here are my answers to Gemma's questions:

When did you start your blog?
I started this blog in early January 2013 
If you could live in another time/decade when would it be and why? (stole this one off Katie cus’ I think it’s a gem!)
Oh I can't decide - I would have loved to have lived through the sixties and seventies, but I love the twwenties and thirties too!
What is your favourite film?
It was always 'What Dreams May Come' but I think it could well be 'Spirited Away'
If you won a million pounds tomorrow what would you do with it?
I would pay of the mortgage and my debts (boring!), but then I would probably buy my weight in Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino yarn!
If you could have any accent in the world what would it be?
I am quite fond of mine actually - it's a bit Cumbrian, a bit Sunderland, with a little bit of Yorkshire mixed in sometimes!
What’s your favourite food?
Anything spicy, but probably Martin's chilli is my absolute fave. Closely followed by steak and chips!
What item could you not live without in your makeup bag?
Well the only make up I wear is khol eyeliner, so it would be that.
Heels vs. Flats – which is better?
I don't really wear heels, unless I'm at a wedding, so flats it is!
Which would you rather be - really hot or cold?
I hate being cold - we sometimes go camping, and Martin sits out all night in his t-shirt and shorts, and I'm in 2 sleeping bags, with all my clothes on, and a duvet on top! 
Who is your favourite band/musician?
Don't tell anyone, but it's Maroon 5.
What would your dream job be?
Any job where I could be crafting all day long - I would love to be able to work from home making lovely felt things all day, only stopping to play with and feed my little Zoe.
Here are my 11 questions:
What is your guilty pleasure?
What is your favorite joke?
Chocolate or crisps?
What was your favorite TV programme from your childhood?
What is your favorite book and why?
What is your earliest memory?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What’s your thought on marriage, do you believe in it and do you ever want to be married?
Who do you look up to most in life?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever been on stage?
And here are my 9 bloggers less than 200 followers that I have nominated for an award:
Sally at sallytangle
Suki at The Owl Club
Sooz at Sooz in the Shed
Amanda at Amanda Uniquely 
Anna at Skin and Blister blog - I'm not sure how many followers she has, but she is awesome and you should go there anyway!

Thanks for reading


  1. hehe, agree about the thing about pyjamas - I also have some pyjama days ;DD

  2. Aw :) Thank you very much for nominating me! It's my second Leibster award this week!

    I'm exactly the same with song lyrics- it's a very odd talent to have. I'm sure I could be some sort of Mensa genius if my head was full of useful information instead of Maroon 5 songs (I totally love them too. Adam Levine is soooo beautiful) :)

    Katie xx

    1. It was a super easy choice because you are awesome!! Ha and Adam Levine is divine (oh I am so funny)!!!

      Anna x

    2. I've blogged and answered the questions :) Thank you again for nominating me!


  3. Thanks for the award,
    I'll have to think up some very probing questions I think :-)

    1. I couldn't think of any - it took me ages!!

  4. Congratulations on the award!! I feel cold all the time too. It can be really annoying!

    1. Thanks :) I'm sitting here in a huge cardi, even though the heating's on!

  5. Woo-whee, thank you so much for the award! (And congratulations, too!)

    I'm so with you on spicy food (has been a lifesaver this pregnancy), Spirited Away, and exclamation marks!

    Hugs xo

  6. Thank you!! I've been a bit "offline" lately but I will get answering and asking questions! Suzanne x

    1. Hope everything is OK. Can't wait to read your questions and stuff!
