
19 April 2013

Etsy Finds Friday #15 - Geek Alert #1

Happy Friday peeps - I bet that those of you who don't work weekends are getting all happy right about now?

This week I joined the International Geek Girl's Pen Pals Club (IGGPPC), go and have a little browse. Welcome back! It's not just a pen pal link up efforty-bob, but a whole community of girls sharing the geeky love! Over the next few weeks my Etsy Finds Fridays will have a bit of a geeky theme - now, I've already done a Doctor Who themed EFF, so really that one should be number 1, but anyway... So each Friday I will bring you a collection of Etsy bits and pieces centered around one of my geeky loves. This week it's Harry Potter!

This is Etsy Finds Friday number fifteen - all of the previous Etsy Finds Friday posts can be found here. Please come back next week or subscribe so you don't miss out on next week's list!

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Crochet: How cute is this little Dobby doll? I would love to try making this, but if you can't crochet, you can buy a ready made one from Himawari Land

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Knitting: I love anything with the Deathly Hallows on it - these little hand warmer mitts make me want to learn knitting - they are from thingsthatclareknit. I just couldn't resist this photo - poor chap looks like he has been coerced into modelling - and his wand is a wooden spoon! What a dood!

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Art: I really want one of these pieces of art that look like an old bus blind - and this harry potter one is awesome - but I'm not sure if Martin would let me have it! From Entropy Trading Co

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Fashion: I really wish the Three Broomsticks existed in real life. And Butterbeer! This t-shirt from waycooltshirts is as close as I will get I suppose :)

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Jewellery: I've wanted a golden snitch piece of jewellery for sooo long! This one from caishenbeads is so classy!

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Home: A spell AND a grim! It's like a HP bonus item!! This Accio Coffee cup from My Crafty Momma is just the things to cheer up my mornings!

What is your geeky love?

Thanks for reading


  1. I spend most of my time watching ancient aliens and scientific x files - you dont get much geekier than that!

    1. Oooh sounds fun! I used to watch the x files religiously!

  2. Wow, such great finds. XD
    I especially love the snitch necklace. So pretty.

    1. Isn't it lovely? It's really simple but so so pretty.

  3. Ah Anna!! Why?! I need all of these now. Especially the wall art and Dobby, although it would probably make me cry all the time - his death had a bad effect on

    Anyways, just wanted to drop by and let you know that I've nominated you for a blogger award! If you'd like to find out more about it check it out here - .

    Best wishes,

    1. I know, right? Poor Dobby - I cried more for him that Dumbledore I think :(
      Thanks for nominating me, I will get on with a little award-y post soon :)
      Thanks so much you are a superstar xxx

  4. I love the mug and the t-shirt! I think I might have to order them soon.

    1. How cool is that mug?! I wish Accio Coffee worked for me (a muggle ;)

  5. That cup with the Grim in the bottom is hilarious! Im off to check out the Geek Girls pan pal stuff... sounds fun!

    Jen xx

    1. It is AWESOME! And the forums are epic too!!
