
17 April 2013

What's Been Occurring Wednesday #14

Happy Wednesday gorgeous! Is that a new top?

Well what a busy week I've had! On Friday I took Zoe to Busy Babies so she could have some messy play - and did she ever!! We got her hand and foot print done as well, it's a really sweet reminder of how small she is now, I only wish I had done the same when she was first born! Ah well!

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On Saturday we met with the wedding planner from the hotel, Charlie. He basically said that we can have whatever we want - which is always a good thing in my opinion!! I put together a couple of mood boards to show him what look we want (well, what look I want - Martin is letting me have full rein! Yay!). What do you think?

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After we did a little bit of shopping, we headed off to meet Gene and Diane for a walk up Sale Fell. It was so windy! I thought Zoe might not like the windy-ness, but she absolutely loved it, and chattered all the way up and all the way down again! Martin carried her up, and I carried her down (I think I got the better deal ha!). We also managed to collect a whole pile of sticks and cones to decorate the wedding with. We pootled back to Gene and Diane's for a yummy tea of chilli - a Saturday night tradition that has continued with Martin in our house!

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Sunday my Dad and Kath popped round for a bit, with the little girl they look after, and brought some bunting that she had made us for the wedding - it is so cute! She made some pink fabric bunting, and then loads of paper bunting decorated with paper hearts, sequins and collage - it's so cute! No photos yet - you will have to wait for the wedding!!

Sunday afternoon was the #CumbrianBloggers meet up, which I did a separate post about here. Needless to say, it was a fantastic afternoon, and I can't wait for the next one!

A brief summary of other events:

Watching: Broadchurch - who dunnit?? I can't wait for next week when we finally find out who the killer is - I'm sure Tom and his Dad have something to do with it!! Game of Thrones - I love Tyrion Lannister, even through he's supposed to be a 'baddie' - he is just so funny! Martin and I were in fits last night watching the latest episode, where he drags the chair around.

Reading: Still trying to get through book one of A Song of Ice and Fire - now that Zoe is moving into her own room it should be easier to read in bed at night!

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Martin is on book 2 and I am still on book 1.  Genghis is not reading any books at the moment.

Fave Blog Posts: Anna's post on her blog Miss Beatrix all about #PostCircle, featuring stationery created by the wonderful AnneeApple (blog) (facebook) - you will soon be able to buy it from her Etsy shop. This post by Caroline Rose Art that shows her process from first sketches to 'ready to colour' stage. She is amazing - I wish I had even 1% of her talent!

Crafting: I'm still working on my patchwork cross-stitch picture, I got some books out of the library as well, so I am hoping to create my own sampler to stitch as well.

Eating: Still ploughing through the Easter chocolate - I'm quite impressed with myself that its lasted this long actually!

Thinking about: Future blog posts - anything you want to see? What to cook for tea tonight - in fact, what to cook for tea any night - I think I will start meal planning. What to get Martin for his 30th Birthday in July - any suggestions?

Thanks for reading!


  1. who could not love Tyrion Lannister?! :D xoxo

    1. I know - I liked Peter Dinklage in Nip/Tuck as well, so maybe it's him and not Tyrion in particular!

  2. Why yes, this is a new swhirt. Thank you for noticing! ;)

    Still eating Easter chocolate?! ME TOO. It's so good I've been trying to make it last.


    Jules of Canines & Couture

    1. It is amazing how long it has lasted... not for much longer though nomnomnom!

  3. Oh Oh Oh.. I got a mention, I'm honoured - thank you so much! TOTALLY in love with your mood boards, when is the big day? x

    1. You are welcome, I love your stuff! August 13th so not too far away now!! EEep!

  4. The wedding mood boards look very, very exciting!

    I bought these lights a while back from Dot Com Gift Shop if you need/want some battery powered toadstool lights:

    I have discount code for these too because I'm one of their bloggers- let me know if you want to use it; you're very welcome to.


    1. Hehe it is exciting, but stressful too! I will keep that in mind, thank you so much for your kind offer of a discount code (weehee discounts!!) xx

  5. Looks like you had a lovely week! Those wedding moodboards are gorgeous too :) xx

    1. Thansk chick - I had so much fun making them, but Martin was just men!

  6. Is that a toadstool wedding cake?!! Brilliant. Get that one :-)

    1. Well. The plan is to have red and white spotty cup cakes for the guests, and then the top of the cake will be that toadstool cake, and that will be Zoe's birthday cake and we will sing happy birthday to her at the reception (it's her 1st birthday 3 days after we get married!)
