
17 May 2013

Etsy Finds Friday #19

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Happy Friday evening everyone!

I remember the days when I would be planning a big Friday night out. Not any more! My idea of a perfect night these days is tucking Zoe up in (her own) bed then snuggling up on the sofa with Martin to watch a film. Perfect!

Talking about Martin, it's his birthday soon, and I am struggling a bit for ideas. Now, Martin is a bit of a map addict, he has quite the collection of Ordnance Survey maps, we even have a 'map wall' in the house where (mostly) old maps are framed and displayed. I was having a bit of a map-related browse on Etsy this week and I found so many items that loved, so I thought I would share them with you! Aren't you lucky?!

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I love this Game of Thrones chest from Urd Handicrafts, it comes with these little vials (including wildfire!!) and is covered in the map of Westeros. Awesome!

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OK, this one is for me! I'm not sure how good Martin would look in this summer dress from Cruel Candy. I would look fabulous of course!!

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Martin has a couple of maps in a similar style to this; Tubular Fells and Munroverground (you can get these here- ooh they have a wales one now too...!!). I think this world map in the style of a train system would look awesome next to them. You can get one from Art Pause

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Haha another one for me (and any #PostCircle people or snail mailers)! I love these envelopes made from old atlases (atli??) from The Pulparazzi, you could even match the envelope to the country you are sending the letter to!! 

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How completely wonderful is this repurposed suitcase-turned-into-a-seat?! I have no idea where I would put it but I'm sure I would find somewhere! It's made by Bon Voyage World Travel

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OK this is not strictly maps but this set of porcelain tableware from Kina Ceramic Design is inspired by the topography lines on is maps. How unique! 

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P.S. if you are doing some online shopping this weekend, remember that you can get 25% off in May at my Etsy shop with code '30YEARS'


  1. If I actually had money to spare, it would all be gone after looking at these Etsy find lists!
    LOVE the Game of Thrones chest. Possible contender for a new memory box..gotta link my Mam ;) lol


  2. ah! these are so awesome! I love the chest and vials, so cool :D xx
