
15 May 2013

What's Been Occurring Wednesday #18

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Greetings to you and a very happy Friday-eve-eve. How are you?

Well this last weekend was all wonky. Martin worked Saturday so that felt like Friday, then we had chilli on Sunday, so that day felt like Saturday (making me miss the #lbloggers chat - booo!) and then we had a roast yesterday, so it felt like Sunday! So I am a little bit confused at the moment - please forgive me!! We have a really busy week this week as well, with something on every day. But it will calm down for a couple weeks after that.

Zoe has been busy as well (err, well, sort of). She has 4 teeth now - she looks like a little hamster! Not only that, she can now crawl! (wow that does NOT look right - is that how you spell crawl???) So I am now spending all of my time chasing around after her stopping her from getting into mischief! We have our last ever Baby Sensory tomorrow, which will be really sad - I enjoy it as much as Zoe does!! Zoe also had her first 'settling-in' session at nursery on Monday - she was there for an hour, and Martin and I were downstairs, so not too traumatic. Apparently the only time she made any noise was when she saw me again - she had been good as gold (but not eaten any of her fruit!!). She goes back on Friday morning for two hours, so I'll have a couple of hours free for a coffee, all by myself! Bliss!!

I'm trying to enjoy every minute we have together at the moment as there are only 2 full weeks left until I'm back at work (and Zoe's at nursery). Martin and I were saying last night that we wish it was possible for her to be looked after at home by one of us, and not have to go to nursery, but unfortunately it's just not possible! At least she will be with her Gran one day a week, and me and/or Martin for 3 days. So only 3 days in nursery - that's not too bad...

So what else have I been up to this week?

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Baking: If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen the marble cake that I made on Monday. It is scrummy!! Even Martin likes it and he only likes victoria sponge (apparently!). It is one of Paul Hollywood's recipes from this book . I tweeted him a photo, what a saddo I am! I had a slice yesterday with a cup of lavender earl grey tea. Yummy!

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Buying: On a bit of an impulse I bought the 'A Beautiful Mess' app for my phone, the picture with the cup of tea up there is from the app. It is good for adding text to photos, and I like the borders, but there are only a few filters. Of course, you can buy more filters (and other bits and pieces), but I'll just stick to Instagram for my filters thanks!! I've also just bought a mini heart punch and some postcards for #PostCircle and other snail mail adventures!!

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Watching: Not much lately as a lot of the stuff we watch has finished now. We watched Prometheus on Monday night and then Game of Thrones last night. Have you seen Prometheus? I was a bit disappointed in it - there were some WAY too obvious bits in it.

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Bloggin': here are some of my favorite posts on Bloglovin' this week (follow me!): Elizabeth's recipe for Chorizo, Chilli and Garlic pasta; Fran's post about getting your creative mojo back; Caroline's post showing us just how much work goes into creating her little owls; Lauren's guest post on Make, Do and Push about the benefits of living by the sea.

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P.S. Don't forget that you can get 25% off in my shop during May using code '30YEARS'


  1. I was so disappointed with Prometheus too! We went to the cinema and left feeling a bit cheated as there was so much hype about it. OH and agreed that there were a lot of plot holes.

    1. And it was totally obvious what would happen in parts as well. Made it a bit blah..

  2. Aww bless, it is tough returning to work but I'm sure Zoe week settle into her new routine just fine, sounds like you got it all organised x

    1. I'm sure will all be fine, it's just such a big change! I'll need to be a lot more organised than I am now, that's for sure!!

  3. I watched Prometheus and just felt more confused after watching it, safe to say the other half wasn't inpressed with me asking loads of questions about it either x

    1. Haha I do that - drives Martin up the wall!

  4. Such a sweet little post. I have been meaning to try the lavender earl grey, have you tried their rose tea?! So so lovely alongside a few squares of dark chocolate.

    Hope you are well and have a lovely weekend xxxx

    1. Oooh I haven't tried it yet - I'll look out for it next time I go shopping!
      I'll try and drop those magazines off tomorrow for you :)
      Have a nice weekend too xx

  5. I love Game of Thrones! We got rid of our HBO though so I've only seen the first episode of this season. I can't wait to get caught up!

    1. It's really good, but not enough Denerys (I would say that though!!)
