
24 May 2013

Etsy Finds Friday #20

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Happy Friday to you and a Happy Birthday-eve to me!

The last day of my twenties! Wow! How the blooming heck this happened I do not know, I'm still 23 in my head! I have to say that this is the first birthday where I have felt a bit bummed and not really looking forward to it. I know that 30 isn't really that old, but at the same time, I don't feel 'young' any more. I feel like a grown-up (yuck), even though nothing in my life is different than before except the fact that I tick the 30 - 40 box on forms.

To cheer myself up (and to try and drop MASSIVE hints to Martin), I have been adding the things that I have been lusting after on Etsy over the last few weeks (months) to my favourites. Now that it is too late for any of you to buy me anything from this list, I thought I would share them with you (poor planning or what? One of you could be some billionaire who loves spending hundreds of pounds on people they've never met).

So, if you want to buy me a birthday present, buy me one of these:

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My current phone case is fairly boring, even though I covered it in kawaii stickers, and you all know my love for vintage cameras, so this phone case from Gold Printer is perfect!

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Yes, I can't let a birthday pass by without adding a Doctor Who related item to my wish list. This Doctor Who notebook from Bella Brights would be perfect for keeping lists in.

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Yay for stationery! For my birthday, all I want is for people to learn that stationAry is not moving, and stationEry is pretty paper things to write on. It's not hard. Anyway, this penpal starter kit from She's Gone Postal is so cute and would be awesome for #PostCircle fun!

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Narwhals are the unicorns of the sea! TBH, I only learned they actually existed a few years ago *hangs head in shame* but now I know they are real, I promote the narwhal love wherever I go. I would love this narwhal print for the bathroom - it's from The Nesting Spot where there are loads more cool prints

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This Audrey stripy dress is so cute! It has a deep v-neck back as well, which is awesome! A stripy dress like this one has been on my wish list for a while, and I found this one in Luminia. Yay!!

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I've been lusting after some alphabet stamps for a while now, I think they can be used in so many ways. I love this stamp set from muimuichow as it has upper case and lower case letters, I've only found them separately before now!

post signature

P.S. Only a few days left to take advantage of the May sale in my shop - 25% off with code '30YEARS'


  1. From a 30-something let me be the first (blogger) to wish you a happy birthday & to reassure you that the 30s are AWESOME! Honestly a lot of the insecurities from my 20s fell away and I've felt happier than ever in my 30s. I hope you'll enjoy it too! Yes it's grown-up but that doesn't mean you can't still be a great big kid - and having kids of your own is the perfect excuse ;) Hope you get some of these great Etsy finds for your birthday!

  2. Happy birthday for tomorrow darling! You now way in hell look your ages, so that's a plus :D I hope your man spoils you and you have a great day. Thanks for commenting on my blog btw :D


  3. I have those exact stamps! I use them for everything they are amazing! Hope you had a lovely birthday :) xxx

  4. That stationery set looks so cool! I'm a big fan of writing letters. :) And I hope you have a great birthday! xo

    1. It's awesome :) are you in PostCircle? I love it!!

  5. What a great set of goodies! Happy Birthday for tomorrow- I hope you have an utterly brilliant day! xxx

  6. Happy birthday :) Hope you are having a great time celebrating. I have loads of stamp sets like that. Capitals and smallies. Just let me know if you want to borrow them.
    Helen D

  7. What a cute idea- I love Etsy, but it can be so mundane searching through billions of shops to find the gems. Thank you for this post :)
