
22 May 2013

What's Been Occurring Wednesday #19

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Howdy peeps! Hope you are all enjoying your Wednesday!

Just a quick post today. I have a couple of new items in the shop. I was commissioned to create a tattoo-style brooch for a very lovely blogger Nina from Indie Rock Kid for her friend who is getting married soon. I had so much fun creating the double heart I thought I would sell it in the shop. I also made a single heart brooch at the same time which is for sale too.

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Double hearts

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Single hearts

These brooches are totally customizable, so you can change the colours around, and most excitingly of all, you can put whatever you want on the banner! Do you love Doctor Who? Show your Who-love! What about Donuts? Declare your donut-love! I'm planning to make a matching 'hate' one for me! - I think the love and hate would look awesome on the lapels of a jacket!

I will be holding a giveaway on Saturday (for my birthday - eek!!), and one of the prizes will be a £15 voucher for the shop, so you can get your very own brooch! What words would you have? 

So what else?

Zoe's been going to nursery a few hours every few days, she seems to enjoy it, and I am enjoying having some time to myself - is that bad? I feel guilty saying that. Poor thing is poorly at the moment so she is crying loads and not eating and just generally being miserable. Bless her socks. So I haven't had much time to write a post today as we went to the doctors (had to wait an HOUR to be seen!!) and then she's not really let me out of her sight!

I'll be back on Friday with my Etsy Finds, and then the giveaway on Saturday. Don't miss it!!

 post signature


  1. You don't need to feel guilty. Everyone needs some alone time sometimes- whether from their other half, their kids, or the entire world (except for Ben, Jerry, and Mr Kipling- I am always happy to hang out with them :p) Love the hearts. When I was younger I really wanted to get a heart-and-scroll tattoo. I was going to leave the scroll blank so I could write a different thing in every day... Broccoli/Santa Claus/Robot Dancing etc. xxx

    1. Thanks lovely :)
      That's a good idea, keeping it blank. You could have anything!!! Your are a genius xx

  2. Very cute brooches, Anna. Hope your daughter if feeling better by now. Hard when these little ones are under the weather.
    I'm from S-B, Gain Exposure to your Blog swap
    Coleen, an American in Ukraine

    1. Thanks Coleen - it's a rubbish day here, but should be nice tomorrow - yay!

  3. such cute brooches! Love love love xoxo
