
6 May 2014

Passion Projects - Crafting and Me. #BEDM

Hello Lovelies,

I've been a crafty-artsy person for as long as I can remember - I have always had a sketchbook on the go, from the age of around nine or ten - I used to want to be a fashion designer so would spend hours drawing new designs - I wish I had kept all those old sketchbooks!! I studied art and textiles all the way through school and college and kept art journals, and made a lot of my own clothes. I always wanted to learn to knit but could never get the hang of it - I remember trying to teach myself with two pencils and some string - needless to say, that didn't work too well!!

(source: weheartit)

Once I left uni (without my fashion design degree), crafting and art was put to one side, I had really lost my confidence at uni, I believed that I had no creativity, that all those years of creating had been a waste of time, so I got rid of (most of) my supplies, my art materials, fabric stash - pretty much everything! I would sometimes look back through photos or my portfolio and feel a certain nostalgia for it all, but that was it.

When I was with my ex-husband I started to create again - keeping sketchbooks and journals, buying some yarn, crochet hooks and knitting needles, but my ex used to put down everything I did - when I started to knit something he would mock me, ask me what the point was and basically killed any confidence that I had managed to scrape back since leaving uni. Again, I put my supplies away.

Around the time that I was pregnant with my daughter, I again got that itch to create. This time my very lovely husband nurtured that urge, encouraging me to pick up my supplies again. I wanted to make heirloom pieces for my daughter that I could tell her the story behind: "I crocheted this blanket when you were in my tummy, and you kicked me every evening when I was sat with the crochet hook with the wool balanced on my belly". My mum showed me how to crochet a granny square and I was off! I taught myself more and more stitches, creating blankets for my daughter to snuggle into, first when she was a baby and now as a toddler - they are well-loved blankets that get dragged around the house, made into dens and castles, and taken to bed each night.

It's not just crochet that I love of course. I love sewing, whether by hand or on my machine. I used to sew a lot more when I was a student, making new clothes from old charity shop finds; I remember making a tartan skirt from an old nightie! I have a pretty big fabric stash in the attic as well as new and vintage patterns for making everything from bags and hairbands to ball gowns and Zoe-sized dungarees. One day (soon hopefully) I'll start on a sewing project, if that's a patchwork blanket or a skirt for Zoe I'm not sure yet. Then there's felt too. I would say I'm pretty obsessed with felt - I made Zoe a woodland animals felt mobile and it went from there. I now have an Etsy shop where I sell felt brooches and accessories.

 photo my-shop-collage_zpsb9ff90e9.jpg
The point I'm getting too (very slowly it would seem), is that if there is one thing that I would love to do for a living, it's creating. I would love to spend my days drawing, designing, sewing and stitching. Even if it's not something that ever happens, I couldn't imagine my life without some sort of creative activity within it - it helps me keep a sense of self, and gives me time with my thoughts to let my creativity run free. I also want Zoe  to know the value of handmade and to appreciate the amount of time that goes into creating handmade.

What are you passionate about?

THANKS photo thanks-signature_zps76499913.jpg


  1. I know exactly what you mean. I didn't pick up my camera for a year after closing my photography business and it's fantastic to be able to take photos for myself now and actually enjoy it. Your shop is fab, I love the tattoo pieces.

  2. I totally get where you are coming from... I did a degree in Film and Television, and almost a year after graduating I am no where near achieving a job in that industry. Even worse is that I have stopped writing scripts and coming up with video ideas... I freeze every time I try to write something, because I don't believe I'm good enough... or that's it's a pointless endeavour...

  3. Lovely post! It's so nice that your daughter as the things you're making to treasure as she gets older.

    My daughter has a crochet blanket that my mum made for me years ago and it's the most well-loved blanket in the world.

    P.s found you through the #BEDM tag on Twitter

  4. I commented on another crafter's blog similarly but had to say it again - I always admire anyone who does anything crafty. I have no patience to even try anything so spend my life on Etsy and the like buying other people's pieces of genius!

  5. That blanket is fantastic! Please don't let your creativity and talent go to waste; I'm so glad Martin encouraged you to get crafting again; I reckon it's better than therapy (for a start, therapy doesn't end with a beautiful blanket!). Can't wait to see some of the things you sew xxx
