
2 May 2014

Time Travel - My 5 Fave Past Posts! #BEDM

Hello Lovelies!

Here is day 2 of Blog Every Day in May - the prompt today is '5 fave posts - pimp out your favourite posts on your blog'. I really enjoyed reading back through my posts - I only started this blog in January 2013 so I can imagine that those people doing #BEDM who have been blogging for years would have had a much harder time trying to decide!

So these are my top five fave blog posts - hope you enjoy them!


Bunting washi tape DIY - I really enjoyed writing this DIY, it's one of my most popular blog posts too! As you can imagine, a lot of my friends received washi tape bunting decorated cards for their birthdays after this!!


House Tour - as part of my 'Other People's Houses' month on the blog in June 2013, I did a house tour on the blog, and here it is! I'd love to do another one soon, in fact, I'm pretty sure that one of the prompts in #BEDM is 'Home sweet home' so I guess it's the perfect opportunity! Watch this space!

My First Vlog - if you read the original post, you will see that I filmed this back in May 2013 as part of 'Other People's Houses' month, and never posted it, and then when I found it again a while ago, I thought is was hilarious so I posted it up here on the blog. I'd love to do another vlog soon, in fact I filmed one, but it is pretty long so I need to edit it down a bit. Maybe one day!!


Baking! I made fairy cakes and decided to take photos and blog about it at the same time! Do you call them fairy cakes? When I was little I knew a lady who called them butterfly cakes - such a pretty name! I have to admit it was mucho fun taking photos while the hand mixer was whizzing!! Eeep!!


The first time I met the Cumbrian Bloggers in the flesh was pretty awesome, I am so lucky to know all of these amazing ladies, I love our meet ups and I can't wait to see everyone again! Our little gang has lots of excitement recently - babies, new houses, new jobs - it's all go for us right now! Good luck ladies!

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p.s. I love finding new reads - so why not link me to your fave blog post from your blog in the comments?


  1. I had a real trouble picking my five, and my blog is only 3 months old, so like you say I can't imagine how hard it must have been for some bloggers with blogs a few years old.
    Also, I would call those cakes butterfly cakes too!

    1. it seems butterfly cakes is the popular opinion!!

  2. I call them butterfly cakes too - used to beg my Grandma to make them with me all the time when I was little.

    I love things like BEDM - getting to find new blogs like this!

    (I've been blogging for a few years now and had a nightmare trying to pick five posts that I liked - I swung between wanting to pick twenty and wanting to pick none at all - it was quite the emotional rollercoaster!)

    1. I had a nightmare and I've only been blogging for a year and a bit!! Am glad that you are happy you found my blog :) xx

  3. Definitely do another house tour post. I love having a nosey through other people's homes!

    1. I've started taking photos for it already!!

  4. I really need to get round to doing a house or room tour - we redecorated one of our bedrooms last autumn and I still haven't posted about it! :-) x
