
3 May 2014

Weekend Morning Routine #BEDM

Hello lovelies!

How are you all doing? Hope you are enjoying your weekend, another long one woop!! 

I love weekend mornings, because sometimes Martin gets up with Zoe and I get to stay in bed! Bliss! 

Normally though, I get up with the Zoe monster at whatever time she wakes up, usually around 7 but sometimes later (if I'm lucky)!! We pootle downstairs in our jim jams and have our breakfast (cereal, yum!) while Zoe watches Peppa Pig and I catch up on blogs via bloglovin (oh, you can follow me here if you want)!

If we are going out to meet anyone the we get dressed and ready to go, but if not, we have a chilled out morning of drinking coffee and reading magazines (me) and building towers and reading books (Zoe) until Martin gets up!

Gone are the days of lying in bed until noon with coffee and bacon sandwiches, spending time together just being. But you know what, it just makes it all the more special when we do get that time (i.e. when Zoe is staying at Gran and Grandad's house), we really do appreciate it more (and so does Genghis)!!

THANKS photo thanks-signature_zps76499913.jpg

p.s. what's your favourite thing about weekend mornings?


  1. Hopped over from #BEDM: enjoy reading it. so true having a child will change ones whole daily routine :) x

  2. I have to draw attention to the fact that you have a cat called Ghengis, above anything, that was my last cat's name :) (we now have a kitten, Inspector Bucket) - I haven't come across another feline Ghengis (or human one for that matter!)

  3. What cereal do you have? I know you've shared a lot of information above, but I'm nosey dammit! Also, food is very important to me (and I'm always on the look out for new cereal recommendations :p) xxx
