
26 February 2015

Pregnancy: Week 29 update

Hello Lovelies! 

When I found out I was 'up stick' again, I thought it would be a wonderful idea to keep a record on the blog of each week, how I felt, what had happened, and all that jazz. But yeah. That didn't work, did it? The original plan was to do these update type posts from 12 weeks so let's just pretend I've been doing this all along shall we?! 


Sprout weighs about 1kg and he measures about 39cm from head to toe. 

Due date

Our due date was confirmed at the 12 week scan as being 14 May and it hasn't changed since. 

How far along

29 weeks and 3 days. 


We aren't finding out the gender this time, we didn't with Zoe either. I have a feeling Sprout is a boy, but then again, I thought Zoe would be a boy so who knows?!! 

Stretch marks

I've been lucky so far in that I've only found a few marks on my tummy. Last time I didn't get any until the birth - I had an emergency c-section with Zoe and it was only afterwards I spotted stretch marks on one side of the scar. 

Belly button

Still an 'innie' but only just! If I move my tummy muscles a certain way it pops out!! 


I usually wake up at least once for a wee through the night, but it's Zoe that's causing more sleep issues than Sprout. Maybe I'll do a post alllll about Zoe's amazing sleep habits! Basically she comes into our bed at some point through the night. Sigh. 


I've been drinking a lot of milk and milkshakes, and eating a lot of mini eggs (not a craving really, they are just yummy haha!). 


How much detail so you want?! I've been getting terrible heartburn for months now, hence the milk drinking! A bottle of Gaviscon is never far away! I've also been feeling some pain in my hips, lower tummy area and 'undercarriage' when walking. I've mostly just been feeling huge and uncomfortable. Also piles. Joy. 


Sprout is fairly wiggly, the last few weeks I've been able to see him moving as well as feel him. Although the last few days I think he's fashioned a stabbing device out of a rib or something as he keeps jabbing me in the ribs with something pointy! (Probably an elbow but it feels so sharp!!). 

What I'm missing

Red wine! I got some non-alcoholic wine from Sainsbury's a while ago, which was ok but was basically grape juice. I'd love a proper glass of Pinot Noir! 

What I'm looking forward to

I have a half-day off work on Tuesday so am looking forward to that! My Mum has also promised me a weekend away in Newcastle, including cinema, dinner and shopping! Yay! 

Best moment this week

Zoe singing Baa Baa Black Sheep and when she's finished the first 'verse' putting her finger up and saying 'me not finished yet mummy!' Before singing the next part! It was so cute! I know this isn't Sprout-related but it was sooooo sweet!!

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Maternity Matters~ Ghostwritermummy
blogger bumps


  1. Thanks for linking up to #bloggerbumps. It's never too late to start your bump updates. I look forward to following along (although I'm pretty sure the weeks will fly by now!) x

    1. You're welcome! I hope they do fly because I am feeling pretty uncomfortable already!!

  2. Ah what a lovely bump you have. Better late than never as far as the pregnancy blog goes I say! Thanks for sharing and thanks for linking up to #MaternityMatters x x

    1. Aww thank you! And you're welcome :)
