
2 March 2015

TWTWC #2 - Date night, Hair-Dos and Drive-Thrus!

Hello Lovelies!!

Welcome to the week that was captured #2! I was at work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, it's getting very busy as I only have a few weeks left so trying to get everything done before I finish on 31 March - eek! This week I'm linking up with Hannah at Make, Do and Push, as well as with Aby at You Baby, Me Mummy.


I had a day off work on Thursday (woo!) so I went and got myself a haircut and had my eyebrows tidied up a bit, all ready for our date night on Friday! It was lovely to sit and be pampered and not have to worry about Zoe (who was at nursery). I found it very relaxing!

I then popped into Sainsbury's to do a bit of food shopping - again, lovely doing shopping without Zoe 'helping' and I treated myself to some new slippers before treating myself (again) to a Maccy D's - yay for payday!! When I got home, Martin's Dad was there putting up our new shelves in the sitting room, so I gave him a hand with those, then we went to pick Zoe up from nursery - she was very excited to see Grandad at the window and demanded that he sit in the back of the car with her! Martin's Dad stayed for tea as well on Thursday. Oh, and I trimmed Zoe's fringe as well! She looks like Joan of Arc now!


We had a bit of a lazy Friday this week. We went up to Rhyme Time at the Manor and saw a few friends we hadn't seen for a while which was lovely! I like Rhyme Time as it wears Zoe out! After lunch of quiche and chips we had a little nap (well, Zoe had a nap and I watched the final episode of Broadchurch - eeee!!). Zoe was staying over at Grandma's house on Friday night so that Mummy and Daddy could have date night! Grandma came and picked Zoe up about half-five, then Martin and I went out to Nando's for a lot of chicken and then on to Moo Bar which is a real-ale bar in Carlisle. If only they had some non-alcoholic ales for me!!


I had hoped for a sleep in on Saturday morning without my little Zoe-shaped alarm clock, but I was awake at about 7 anyway! I had my breakfast in bed, then we went to get Zoe from Grandma's house - where she had slept all night in her bed! Off into town for Story Time - this week it was Norman the Slug with a Silly Shell. Zoe made a silly snail after the story then we did a bit of shopping and went for burger and chips for lunch. Back home for a nap - this time for me and for Zoe! I was worn out!


We were at home all day on Sunday, trying to get the house in some sort of order ready for Sprout's arrival! Martin moved all of the 'big' books downstairs and installed them on our new shelves - but we still need to make more room! I'll do a blog post at some point about the plans for the nursery/our bedroom move - remind me OK?! We got quite a bit of moving things around done and sorting out of things, there's still LOADS to do though!

Well that was our week! Back to work today, but I have tomorrow afternoon off for no reason really! Hopefully I'll get some blog-related stuff done!

What did you do this weekend?

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You Baby Me Mummy


  1. Love your new hair! Sounds like you have had a very good week :D

  2. Sounds like a lovely week. It's so lovely having your hair done isn't it, always makes me feel so relaxed! Have a good week
    Becky #TWTWC

    1. I love the massage-y hair washing-ness the most! Lush!!

  3. Lovely hair! I had mine cut last week in a very similar style (shall we call it the "pregnant bob"?) and am desperate for an eyebrow tidy! Not long until your maternity leave starts! How exciting :)

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

    1. After writing this post I met one of my pregnant friends who has also had the same cut! So yes, definitely the 'pregnant bob'!!

  4. Nothing like a bit of child free pampering ! I'm having my nails done tonight looking forward to that! Great haircut! #twinklytuesday

    1. Ooh hope you enjoyed getting your nails done! Thanks :)

  5. Sounds like a busy week! Love the hair and I wish I can have my brows tidied too. They are a bit of a mess lately! #pointshoot

    1. It was busy but relaxing as well! Thanks :)

  6. Ohh the new hair looks lovely - hope it made you feel a million dollars!

    Stopping over from #TWTWC linky!

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. Aww thanks, it does make me feel better having it tidied up!

  7. Your hair really does look gorgeous, and your week sounds delicious. I'm adding "An excuse for copious servings of chips" onto my Pros list for having a baby :p Glad to hear you two had such a lovely date night too- breakfast in bed sounds like heaven! xxx

    1. Thanks lovely! Pregnancy is really an excuse to eat pretty much whatever you want - but the baby neeeeeds a toblerone!!

  8. Fab week, I love your new hair! Thanks for linking up to Point SHoot x

  9. It’s nice when you have a productive time – so hard to get stuff done when kiddies are around! I love going for a haircut. I don’t do it often enough but there’s nothing nicer than spending an hour or s being pampered. Mmmm! Thanks for linking up with #twinklytuesday

    1. You're welcome! I love the Zoe monster but it is nice to have sometime alone as well!
