
12 March 2015

Pregnancy: Week 31 update

Hello Lovelies!

Wow I can't believe I'm 31 weeks already! Time is going so quickly! Only a few more weeks at work then I'm freeee!!! It's been a fun week (as you may have already read here) so let's go!


Sprout is now about 17 inches from head to heel and weight about 4 pounds. This is the equivalent of a pineapple, apparently. As long as Sprout doesn't come out covered in spikes!! Ouch!!

Due date 

Still 14 May. I have an appointment with the consultant on 26 March to discuss the elective c-section so this date may change if they decide to take me in earlier.

How far along 

31 weeks and 2 days.


No idea, it's going to be a surprise! I feel like it's a boy though!

Stretch marks 

I don't know what's happened this week but my tummy feels really tight and stretched, so have been slathering on more of my fave Lush Dream Cream to my tummy every night! Zoe came and gave the bump a cuddle after I''d put it on and said 'Urgh! It make my chin wet!'

Belly button 

Only just still an 'innie' - it's sort of flat now! And it randomly pops if I cough! Martin thinks this is hilarious of course!!


I don't seem to be as tired this week, event though it's been quite stressful (see my last post) and busy so far!  I had a little nap on Sunday which was nice! I've been able to get back to sleep a bit easier as well when I wake though the night. Zoe has been quite good this week - when she's come in with us she's gone back to sleep pretty much straight away instead of wiggling and faffing about.


Oh my word I am getting through 2 pints of milk a day I think - that's just me, not including Zoe! Strawberry milkshakes are the bomb!


Still getting the bad heartburn, and the pain in my back and hips is getting worse - last night I could barely move! Also have pain in my ribs now, I think Sprout like to sit up under my right-hand-side ribs because they ache pretty much all the time. Woe is me!


Sprout has been a super wiggly thing this week! We had a little fight the other day, I would push his foot back into my tummy from where it had been poking me,and he pushed it back out somewhere else - I spent about 5 minutes chasing his foot around! I ended up giggling to myself - not a good look in the doctor's waiting room though! Sitting poking my belly and laughing to myself!

What I'm missing 

Being able to eat spicy food without getting heartburn. With Zoe I couldn't get enough hotness in my food. This time even a really mild chilli sets me off!

What I'm looking forward to 

Hopefully getting a new car this weekend! Baby-related I'm at the midwife on Tuesday so am looking forward to hearing Sprout and being able to ask lots of questions! Poor midwife!

Best moment this week

The nurse when I went to get my whooping cough vaccine telling me I looked big for 31 weeks was awesome. Thanks nurse! (can you detect the sarcasm?!). I think Zoe asking me if Sprout is getting bigger, then telling me that my feet are bigger. What?!?! It made me laugh!

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Maternity Matters~ Ghostwritermummy


  1. Ooh not long now! How exciting! You've made me want a strawberry milkshake now! Lol. Good luck with the car xx

    1. I'm totally addicted to them haha!! Thanks xx

  2. Oh goodness!! Baby is going to be here in no time! I always laugh at the fruits etc that are compared to the size each week, a pineapple haha!

    I actually have a fear of my belly button popping open so I think that'd be one oc my biggest concerns if I got pregnant lol.

    Loving these updates. Take care.
    - Danielle xo

    1. Thanks Danielle, I've missed a week but hopefully will have a post up later this week!

  3. Yuk heartburn is horrid! Hope it eases for you soon. But my goodness I used to hate people commenting on the size of my bump too. I always was told it was 'too small' which is just as annoying!
    Thanks so much for linking up to #MaternityMatters and so sorry I am late in replying x x

    1. Thanks for the comment, i love linking up with other blogs, and loving finding so many new baby and bump related blogs too!

  4. yeah, I'm still waiting on the belly button unpleasantness :-/ I don't mind people commenting on my bum really, better than them telling me to lay off the pies - which was for the first 25 or so weeks! ;)

    1. Haha if someone said that to me I'd have walloped them!!

  5. Eep! You're so close- how exciting :) The belly button thing kind of freaked me out (sorry) - but the poking your own belly/giggling combo sounds brilliant! xxx

  6. I reckon Sprout is going to born with lots of hair. I had terrible heart burn & couldn't eat spicy food anymore & she was born with loads! I love that you sat in the waiting room playing chase the foot! Brilliant. I love how your updates feel so upbeat :) x
