
10 March 2015

TWTWC #3 - The Car is on F***ing FIRE!!!

Hello Lovelies!!

Welcome to the week that was captured #3! I was at work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week - boo!!! But I had Tuesday afternoon off so yay!!

Once again I'm linking up with Hannah at Make, Do and Push, as well as with Aby at You Baby, Me Mummy.

During the week I did a bit of baking - I'd been to the Spa one day and they had FREE brown bananas, so of course I grabbed a bag! I made a banana loaf cake and there was enough mix left over to make 6 muffins too. Martin and Zoe didn't like them but I did, as did my colleagues at work - I was very popular!!

I also had a lovely surprise at work on Thursday - we had a team meeting and at the start I was handed a card and a present - a lovely congratulations on completing my NVQ gift. It was so sweet and so unexpected, I may have shed a little tear - I blame the hormones!!


I had a super duper productive Friday this week! I basically let Zoe pull out all of her toys from her shelves and cupboard in her bedroom while I cleaned and tidied our bedroom and the spare room. She had loads of fun finding lots of old toys that have been in boxes for months! I'm trying to make some headway on getting bedrooms moved around, I cleaned and dusted our bedroom and sorted out the 'messy corner' as well.

We had a rest at 11 to go to Rhyme Time, where we saw lots of our friends, and found out that another of my mummy friends has a bump! How exciting!! Back home for lunch, then a bit of a tidy in the spare room before cracking out the new (replacement) vacuum cleaner and giving the whole of the first floor a super good hoover!! Zoe was all worn out after all the cleaning so she had a nap and then Daddy was home! I made Nigella's chicken and chorizo bake for tea, which went down quite well!


Zoe and I popped into town early to meet Grandma for a coffee and a play in Tullie House. We had a bit of time before story time so headed up to W H Smiths, where Grandma treated Zoe to the Frozen DVD! Martin would have been in Scotland all weekend so it was more to entertain Zoe so I could have a rest I think!! Off we went to story time, and last week I'd said how much Zoe likes trains, so they had picked the noisy train, especially for Zoe! She was so excited, and got to press the buttons to make the train sounds!

On the way home we popped to the shops to get some bits and bobs, home for lunch and a nap, then I went upstairs and ended up falling asleep for an hour and a half - thanks Martin!!

Martin made his chilli for tea, then when I put Zoe to bed he headed off to Scotland. He'd planned to go up Saturday night, sleep in the car up near Fort William, then set off walking the next morning. He booked Monday and Tuesday off work to knock off some more Monros (3,000 ft peaks in Scotland). 

But this is where all his plans went awry!!

At 9pm I got a phone call from Martin: "I've broken down, can you phone the breakdown people cos I don't have the number.....and the car is on f***ing Fire!!!" Needless to say this was an unexpected turn of events! Martin phoned the fire brigade, who sent 4 engines (quiet night in Lockerbie then!) as well as the police.

Martin had been driving along when the engine management light came on and the car started losing power. He pulled over and got out the car to phone me (as you should if you break down on the Motorway - get out as soon as you can and go up the embankment in case another car hits you!!). As he phoned me he noticed flames coming out of the bonnet!

Unfortunately the car was pretty much engulfed within minutes, so the car is probably a write-off and all of Martin's walking and camping stuff is cinders and ashes. The car was sent off to a garage and Martin was dropped off at a local services where his Dad picked him up from - he got back home about 1am. So an eventful Saturday night!!


We spent Sunday in the house, part of the day was spent on the phone to the insurance people, the other half to clearing out the 'car boot' cupboard. I stuck a post on freecycle early Sunday morning and someone came within about an hour and basically emptied the cupboard into their car!

Oh and my Dad and step-mum popped round at lunchtime too with my little niece, which certainly cheered me up - she's such a cutie! Zoe loved having her to play with too!

So quite an eventful weekend really, but productive too!

What did you do this weekend? Anything set on fire?!?!

post signature
You Baby Me Mummy


  1. Wow - makes my week look pretty average! Hope you get your car sorted with insurance and that next week is a lot more uneventful!

    1. Yes I'm looking forward to a nice uneventful week this week - although it's been pretty busy already!

  2. Certainly an eventful week you had there Anna. How are you liking the Frozen DVD? That was a Nana present in our house too.

    1. Oh I love Frozen but the hubby hates it, so we only watch it when he's not around - a lovely mummy-daughter bonding time!!

  3. Oh my! I'm so glad that Martin is OK (as, I'd imagine, are you!). My Dad had something similar before he and my Mum had me- but the car actually exploded! Scary stuff, this driving.

    Well done on your productive few days cleaning and tidying; I bet you feel much better with all the clutter gone. I find having a good clear out really therapeutic. Especially if it's followed by a sit down with tea and chocolate. xxx

    1. I am very happy that Mr Martin is OK, wow that's scary, hope everyone was OK?! I have a lot more de-cluttering to do before Sprout arrives - you can come and help if you want - I have choccy biccies a-plenty!!xxx

  4. Wow! I did a little weekly summary this week and it was definitely less eventful than this! hope you get the car sorted. love your photo selection! x

  5. 4 fire engines? haha. The fire brigade must've been twiddling their thumbs.


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. Yeah, not much happens north of the border on a Saturday night I guess!!

  6. Oh my goodness, so glad your hubby is ok - cars can be replaced! What a nightmare though - any drivers nightmare! You definitely had a busy week - how do you get so much done when you work as well? Please tell me!! Thanks for linking up with #twinklytuesday

    1. I have no idea how I get so much done - I often think I need to clone myself! Looking forward to having a bit of free time after I finish work and before the baby arrives though!!

  7. Wow what a nightmare! Glad he is o.k. Lovely pictures and thanks for linking up to #PointShoot x

  8. That car incident is scary! But other than that at least you have a productive and busy week =) #pointshoot

    1. Haha yeah, it would have been great if not for the car :)

  9. Oh gosh!!! What a dramatic weekend you've had! That's not good at all! Yay for naps :)

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

  10. Jeez, that's a rather dramatic turn of events! Glad Martin is okay though and apart from that, it sounds like you had a pretty productive week! :-) xx

    1. Yeah I'm glad he's ok too - he got a bit of a shock!! Thanks :)
