
29 March 2013

Etsy Finds Friday #12

Happy Good Friday peoples!

Time for an easter-related post me thinks! I hope that you have some lovely things planned for the long weekend. I've had my sister and her family round today to see my mum on Skype, and we will be seeing Martin's mum and dad, and my Dad and Kath too.

This is Etsy Finds Friday number twelve - all of the previous Etsy Finds Friday posts can be found here. Please come back next week or subscribe so you don't miss out on next week's list!

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Crochet: I am loving amigurumi at the moment and this cute little Amigurumi Bunny from kinderkraft is just too cute for words!!

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Knitting: Zoe would look adorable in this Baby Bunny Hat from LittleBirdLucy

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Art: How sweet is this cat print from ShopMissElla? I love animals dressed as other animals!!

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Fashion: I've seen this comic before but it makes me chuckle every time! T-Shirt from  CrazyDogTshirts

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Jewellery: I seem to have a bit of a thing for terrariums at the moment and this chocolate bunny terrarium ring from BluRoseCreations is amazing!

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Home: Haha! Another terrarium. This Easter Egg Hunt Terrarium is from RoosterTerrariums

Thanks for reading

P.S. please don't OD on chocolate over the weekend!

27 March 2013

What's Been Occurring Wednesday #10

Happy Snowy Wednesday Everyone!!

Wow - it's really snowing here! It usually doesn't hang around for long in Carlisle though. So - what's been happening this week?

Well on Thursday I got some very nice post! I won some handmade poppy seed soap from Sooz in the Shed and Sue very kindly put a bonus lavender soap in the envelope too - yummy!! I also received some supplies for my little Etsy shop - some brooch backs and some split rings for keyrings. Not very exciting, but they were purchased with funds from my first sale, so it was exciting to me!

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 Poppy seed soap

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Bonus lavender soap

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Not-very-exciting-to-most-people supplies

Friday. Now Friday was just horrible. Poor little Zoe fell forwards while she was playing on her mat and burst her top lip open. Poor thing! I was in a right state. We ended up at A & E, where they had a look at her and said that there was nothing needed doing (phew). I felt terrible and was dreading telling Martin. I've spent the days since feeling like a terrible mummy and have hardly let her out of my sight since!

I was in town on Friday morning having lunch with a friend, and we came upon a new gift shop in Treasury Court - Ashbridge & Brown. They have some lovely items, including:
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 Bags by Eleanor's Attic

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Crockery from Pip Studio

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 Cards from Pip Studio (this one was my fave - sorry about the rubbish photo!)

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 Soaps and Smellies (made here in Cumbria) from Edens Secret

I also went to Wilko's (on the advice of Anna from miss-beatrix) to get some (cheap) washi tape. I also got some pretty twine, so I feel like making some washi tape bunting now!!

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Other things I've been busy with this week:
  • Working on a new blog design
  • Making some cards up for Special Occasions Stationery to display in shops
  • Eating a yummy roast dinner, made by the wonderful Martin
  • Skype-ing with my Mum in Australia
  • Started to crochet Martin's birthday present
  • Sending and receiving Easter #postcircle cards
  • Eating the most divine pizza
Thanks for reading

22 March 2013

Etsy Finds Friday #11


As my Mummy dearest is on her jolly holidays staying at my Uncle's house in Sydney, the theme of this week's Etsy Finds Friday is Australia! All of these items are made in Sydney, Australia (and ship to the UK - bonus!!).

This is Etsy Finds Friday number eleven - all of the previous Etsy Finds Friday posts can be found here. Please come back next week or subscribe so you don't miss out on next week's list!

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Crochet: What an adorable little crochet robot from TheTinyOwls! I love his wonky little eyes!

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Knitting: I love loads of the items in IntiOriginals's shop - but this chunky shawl is my fave!

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Art: Wow - BricksandPaper's shop is stuffed full of gorgeous paper collages - I think I would like this one please!

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Fashion: These skeleton shoes from ClothesDontCheat are just awesome! I need them in my life!

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Jewellery: ImogenandEloise have some beautiful items in their shop. I love the blues in this bracelet set though.

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Home: This lovely screen printed cat cushion is so fun! It's from doabit, they have lots of other nice cat home items!

Thanks for reading

P.S I had this post all ready except for the images, when poor little Zoe decided to head-butt one of her toys and put her one tooth through her top lip! So it was off to A & E for us.  She is fine, no stitches needed or anything - I think I got more of a shock than her.

20 March 2013

What's Been Occurring Wednesday #9

Hello gorgeous! How's you today?

The highlight of my week has been my First Ever Etsy Sale!!  A lovely lady called Miranda ordered two of my felt initial keyrings (an M and an F), which I made over the weekend and posted off to her on Monday, whispering a little wish that they would be loved. On Tuesday I got a lovely mail saying that they were lovely. As she was my first customer I popped a little note in as well as a felt heart to say thank you, and spent a little bit of extra time making sure the package was wrapped nicely. 

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On Thursday my Mum left for her holiday in Australia for three weeks. In her absence I have been making videos of Zoe for her - I'm trying to get a shot of her second tooth that came through on Monday, but Zoe is having none of it! They are having a few days in the Blue Mountains, but will be back in Sydney soon, and we will have another Skype on Friday. At her request, I went and collected all of her card making supplies at the weekend, and what a stash she has - very inspiring for my #PostCircle stash!

I have been doing lots of crafty things lately, but as they are mostly for #PostCircle, I don't want to give away any surprises! I've received two letters and sent two letters and I'm currently working on the next two to send. I've written the letters, I just need to do all the little bits and pieces to go with them.

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Saturday was really busy - we saw my Dad and Kath, my sister and her family, Martin's Mum and Dad, and did a whole load of shopping too! Zoe now has a walker (as she is determined to be standing up now that she's got sitting sussed!) and also has some sleep suits that fit her properly!

Sunday we went for a walk through the park along the rivers (the Caldew and the Eden meet in the park), and by the castle. Zoe slept most of the way there and cried most of the way back - I actually walked along feeding her at one point! Martin, as usual, dragged random bricks back with us so the pushchair weighted about 3 tonnes!

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Oh, and I baked some cakes too - I'll do a little post soon as I actually manged to take some photos while I was baking!

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I will leave you with this image that I found on Pinterest (I can't find the original source unfortunately). I hope it sparks your creativity today as well!
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Thanks for reading

15 March 2013

Etsy Finds #10

Good Evening wonderful people. I hope that your week has been filled with nice things. Like chocolate and cake and love and laughter.

I can't believe that I haven't done a post about owls yet! I am slightly obsessed with owls, to the point that everyone who knows me now knows to get me owl stuff for and gift-giving occasion.

This is Etsy Finds Friday number TEN! - all of the previous Etsy Finds Friday posts can be found here. Please come back next week or subscribe so you don't miss out on next week's list! 

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Crochet: This doll from hookmiup combines two of my favorite things - Hello Kitty and owls! Could it get any better?

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Knitting: This pattern is the reason that I want to knit - and these slippers from DaivaGallery look so cosy!

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Art: Guess what? Another papercut! I love the brightly patterned paper behind the cutting, so it's a bit like a stained glass effect. This lovely piece is from keneka

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Fashion: I am in love with this dress from Zoeslollipop. I guess I will need to save my pennies up!

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Jewelery: This delicate asymetric necklace from BevinBold is too cute! It would look great with that dress!

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Home: These hand painted glasses from MeKu are so cheery, I wouldn't keep them shut away in a cupboard.

Thanks for reading

14 March 2013

My first award! Eeep!

Hello lovelies!

I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by the very wonderful Gemma over at DuggyDimples! It's the first award I have received and I think I am a bit too excited! But I don't care!!

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The rules of the award are as follows.. 
-  List 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions which are given to you by your nominator
- Ask 11 questions for all the bloggers that you nominate to win the award
- Nominate 9 bloggers with less than 200 followers to win the award
- Go to each of the nominees' pages to inform them about their nomination
- Thank the blogger who nominated you by mentioning them and linking their blog in your post

Here are 11 facts about me:
1. I'm getting married to the lovely Martin on 13 August this year (a Tuesday). We chose the 13 August as it is our anniversary - of when we met AND when we got engaged. So Martin will only have one date to remember.
2. I can (and do) spend hours and hours on Etsy and Pinterest, just looking at pretty things! My favorite thing to do is look at the food boards on Pinterest - but it makes me want cake!!
3. I love really spicy food, like chilli con carne and jalepeno peppers - in fact when I was pregnant, that was all I craved!
4. I wish that it was socially acceptable to wear pyjamas all day every day. Because I would.
5. I have a really really bad memory, except for song lyrics. I only need to hear a song once or twice and I'll know the words - it astounds Martin!
6. I sometimes sneakily watch the shopping channels - my guilty pleasure!
7. I started blogging when I was about 14 or 15, with a really cheesy geocities site, complete with animated gifs of cats and a twinkly star background! 
8. I am obsessed with Doctor Who and Sherlock and can't wait for the next series to start.
9. I feel cold all the time, even in the summer.
10. I have millions of books - well not millions, but a lot! We have at least ten bookcases, full to the brim in our house.
11. I over-use exclamation marks! As you can probably tell from this list!

And here are my answers to Gemma's questions:

When did you start your blog?
I started this blog in early January 2013 
If you could live in another time/decade when would it be and why? (stole this one off Katie cus’ I think it’s a gem!)
Oh I can't decide - I would have loved to have lived through the sixties and seventies, but I love the twwenties and thirties too!
What is your favourite film?
It was always 'What Dreams May Come' but I think it could well be 'Spirited Away'
If you won a million pounds tomorrow what would you do with it?
I would pay of the mortgage and my debts (boring!), but then I would probably buy my weight in Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino yarn!
If you could have any accent in the world what would it be?
I am quite fond of mine actually - it's a bit Cumbrian, a bit Sunderland, with a little bit of Yorkshire mixed in sometimes!
What’s your favourite food?
Anything spicy, but probably Martin's chilli is my absolute fave. Closely followed by steak and chips!
What item could you not live without in your makeup bag?
Well the only make up I wear is khol eyeliner, so it would be that.
Heels vs. Flats – which is better?
I don't really wear heels, unless I'm at a wedding, so flats it is!
Which would you rather be - really hot or cold?
I hate being cold - we sometimes go camping, and Martin sits out all night in his t-shirt and shorts, and I'm in 2 sleeping bags, with all my clothes on, and a duvet on top! 
Who is your favourite band/musician?
Don't tell anyone, but it's Maroon 5.
What would your dream job be?
Any job where I could be crafting all day long - I would love to be able to work from home making lovely felt things all day, only stopping to play with and feed my little Zoe.
Here are my 11 questions:
What is your guilty pleasure?
What is your favorite joke?
Chocolate or crisps?
What was your favorite TV programme from your childhood?
What is your favorite book and why?
What is your earliest memory?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What’s your thought on marriage, do you believe in it and do you ever want to be married?
Who do you look up to most in life?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever been on stage?
And here are my 9 bloggers less than 200 followers that I have nominated for an award:
Sally at sallytangle
Suki at The Owl Club
Sooz at Sooz in the Shed
Amanda at Amanda Uniquely 
Anna at Skin and Blister blog - I'm not sure how many followers she has, but she is awesome and you should go there anyway!

Thanks for reading

13 March 2013

What's Been Occurring Wednesday #8

Howdy chaps and chap-ettes! How is this week treating you?

We have had some very changeable weather here - it's snowing one minute and then sunny and blue skies the next! It's lovely and sunny here today but COLD!! Zoe and I are going out for a walk later - we'll need to wrap up nice and toasty warm. Zoe has been having problems with her little teeth since Monday evening, so she's very clingy and crying a lot as well. So it is taking me hours to write this post!!

Sunday was mother's day - my first one ever! Zoe (and Martin) spoiled me quite a bit with choccies and flowers and a 'mum' owl mug!

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We spent most of the day with Martin's mum and dad who have just got back from Madeira - his mum cooked us a lovely roast lunch, and then we went for a walk around Plumbland. We walked up past the school and to the chusrch, where I took some photos of the gravestones, then walked back to Martins' muma nd dad's. We had a wonderful day.

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We visited my mum on Monday for dinner to do mother's day stuff, and they cooked curry for us - yummy! My mum and her hubby are off to Australia tomorrow for 3 weeks - we will miss them sooo much, but it means we get to talk to them on Skype.

I got my first #PostCircle letter in the mail on Saturday, as did one of my prizes from the Little Foal giveaway I blogged about last week - this pretty bow! Zoe and I modelled it - Zoe was not too impressed!

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I had a lovely relaxing saturday morning - I went for a massage and got my eyebrows waxed - not very relaxing to some, but it was an hour without Zoe (and Martin), which I think is the longest I've been on my own without them since Zoe was born!

I did a little bit of Amigurumi last week - my first ever! It's the little dragon, that was in Issue 2 of Simply Crochet magazine, but you can also find it on the allaboutami website on Tumblr here. I've done the head and body, and just need to do two little arms and the tail! And mine is a pinky-purple, not green.

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Oh, and one of my felty items was featured in an Etsy treasury by Lynn - you can go and have a look here.

Well, I'm off to take Zoe for a walk and to post my next #PostCircle letter.

Thanks for reading

8 March 2013

Etsy Finds #9

A very happy Friday everyone!

I hope that you week has been filled with fun, or if not, I hope that you got to enjoy the little bit of sunshine that we had here this week - that was our summer, so I hope you enjoyed it!!

As I mentioned on Wednesday, I've joined the #PostCircle over on Anna's blog, Miss Beatrix. So this week, I have mostly been looking for cute stationery and related things on Etsy, so here, for your perusal, are my favorite finds this week.

This is Etsy Finds Friday number nine - all of the previous Etsy Finds Friday posts can be found here. Please come back next week or subscribe so you don't miss out on next week's list!

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Crochet: This crochet notebook cover from TheModernLovely would be perfect for covering my address book

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Knitting: I think that this notepaper and matching envelopes from PuchiMo are so cute - my cat loves to 'help' me with my yarn!

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Art: This art print of a bundle of love letters from sixthandmain is so pretty

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Fashion: How wonderful would this vanity case be to store all of your #PostCircle writing supplies in? It's from TheCookieClutch store

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Jewelery: This pencil and ruler brooch set from Rockcakes is so sweet, and you could wear them individually, or together! Bargain! 

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Home: I may have fallen in love with this lovely storage box from designONN1 - I would keep little things like pencil sharpeners and paperclips, and all my little odds and ends in it.

Thanks for reading