
12 March 2015

Pregnancy: Week 31 update

Hello Lovelies!

Wow I can't believe I'm 31 weeks already! Time is going so quickly! Only a few more weeks at work then I'm freeee!!! It's been a fun week (as you may have already read here) so let's go!


Sprout is now about 17 inches from head to heel and weight about 4 pounds. This is the equivalent of a pineapple, apparently. As long as Sprout doesn't come out covered in spikes!! Ouch!!

Due date 

Still 14 May. I have an appointment with the consultant on 26 March to discuss the elective c-section so this date may change if they decide to take me in earlier.

How far along 

31 weeks and 2 days.


No idea, it's going to be a surprise! I feel like it's a boy though!

Stretch marks 

I don't know what's happened this week but my tummy feels really tight and stretched, so have been slathering on more of my fave Lush Dream Cream to my tummy every night! Zoe came and gave the bump a cuddle after I''d put it on and said 'Urgh! It make my chin wet!'

Belly button 

Only just still an 'innie' - it's sort of flat now! And it randomly pops if I cough! Martin thinks this is hilarious of course!!


I don't seem to be as tired this week, event though it's been quite stressful (see my last post) and busy so far!  I had a little nap on Sunday which was nice! I've been able to get back to sleep a bit easier as well when I wake though the night. Zoe has been quite good this week - when she's come in with us she's gone back to sleep pretty much straight away instead of wiggling and faffing about.


Oh my word I am getting through 2 pints of milk a day I think - that's just me, not including Zoe! Strawberry milkshakes are the bomb!


Still getting the bad heartburn, and the pain in my back and hips is getting worse - last night I could barely move! Also have pain in my ribs now, I think Sprout like to sit up under my right-hand-side ribs because they ache pretty much all the time. Woe is me!


Sprout has been a super wiggly thing this week! We had a little fight the other day, I would push his foot back into my tummy from where it had been poking me,and he pushed it back out somewhere else - I spent about 5 minutes chasing his foot around! I ended up giggling to myself - not a good look in the doctor's waiting room though! Sitting poking my belly and laughing to myself!

What I'm missing 

Being able to eat spicy food without getting heartburn. With Zoe I couldn't get enough hotness in my food. This time even a really mild chilli sets me off!

What I'm looking forward to 

Hopefully getting a new car this weekend! Baby-related I'm at the midwife on Tuesday so am looking forward to hearing Sprout and being able to ask lots of questions! Poor midwife!

Best moment this week

The nurse when I went to get my whooping cough vaccine telling me I looked big for 31 weeks was awesome. Thanks nurse! (can you detect the sarcasm?!). I think Zoe asking me if Sprout is getting bigger, then telling me that my feet are bigger. What?!?! It made me laugh!

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Maternity Matters~ Ghostwritermummy

10 March 2015

TWTWC #3 - The Car is on F***ing FIRE!!!

Hello Lovelies!!

Welcome to the week that was captured #3! I was at work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week - boo!!! But I had Tuesday afternoon off so yay!!

Once again I'm linking up with Hannah at Make, Do and Push, as well as with Aby at You Baby, Me Mummy.

During the week I did a bit of baking - I'd been to the Spa one day and they had FREE brown bananas, so of course I grabbed a bag! I made a banana loaf cake and there was enough mix left over to make 6 muffins too. Martin and Zoe didn't like them but I did, as did my colleagues at work - I was very popular!!

I also had a lovely surprise at work on Thursday - we had a team meeting and at the start I was handed a card and a present - a lovely congratulations on completing my NVQ gift. It was so sweet and so unexpected, I may have shed a little tear - I blame the hormones!!


I had a super duper productive Friday this week! I basically let Zoe pull out all of her toys from her shelves and cupboard in her bedroom while I cleaned and tidied our bedroom and the spare room. She had loads of fun finding lots of old toys that have been in boxes for months! I'm trying to make some headway on getting bedrooms moved around, I cleaned and dusted our bedroom and sorted out the 'messy corner' as well.

We had a rest at 11 to go to Rhyme Time, where we saw lots of our friends, and found out that another of my mummy friends has a bump! How exciting!! Back home for lunch, then a bit of a tidy in the spare room before cracking out the new (replacement) vacuum cleaner and giving the whole of the first floor a super good hoover!! Zoe was all worn out after all the cleaning so she had a nap and then Daddy was home! I made Nigella's chicken and chorizo bake for tea, which went down quite well!


Zoe and I popped into town early to meet Grandma for a coffee and a play in Tullie House. We had a bit of time before story time so headed up to W H Smiths, where Grandma treated Zoe to the Frozen DVD! Martin would have been in Scotland all weekend so it was more to entertain Zoe so I could have a rest I think!! Off we went to story time, and last week I'd said how much Zoe likes trains, so they had picked the noisy train, especially for Zoe! She was so excited, and got to press the buttons to make the train sounds!

On the way home we popped to the shops to get some bits and bobs, home for lunch and a nap, then I went upstairs and ended up falling asleep for an hour and a half - thanks Martin!!

Martin made his chilli for tea, then when I put Zoe to bed he headed off to Scotland. He'd planned to go up Saturday night, sleep in the car up near Fort William, then set off walking the next morning. He booked Monday and Tuesday off work to knock off some more Monros (3,000 ft peaks in Scotland). 

But this is where all his plans went awry!!

At 9pm I got a phone call from Martin: "I've broken down, can you phone the breakdown people cos I don't have the number.....and the car is on f***ing Fire!!!" Needless to say this was an unexpected turn of events! Martin phoned the fire brigade, who sent 4 engines (quiet night in Lockerbie then!) as well as the police.

Martin had been driving along when the engine management light came on and the car started losing power. He pulled over and got out the car to phone me (as you should if you break down on the Motorway - get out as soon as you can and go up the embankment in case another car hits you!!). As he phoned me he noticed flames coming out of the bonnet!

Unfortunately the car was pretty much engulfed within minutes, so the car is probably a write-off and all of Martin's walking and camping stuff is cinders and ashes. The car was sent off to a garage and Martin was dropped off at a local services where his Dad picked him up from - he got back home about 1am. So an eventful Saturday night!!


We spent Sunday in the house, part of the day was spent on the phone to the insurance people, the other half to clearing out the 'car boot' cupboard. I stuck a post on freecycle early Sunday morning and someone came within about an hour and basically emptied the cupboard into their car!

Oh and my Dad and step-mum popped round at lunchtime too with my little niece, which certainly cheered me up - she's such a cutie! Zoe loved having her to play with too!

So quite an eventful weekend really, but productive too!

What did you do this weekend? Anything set on fire?!?!

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You Baby Me Mummy

5 March 2015

Pregnancy: Week 30 update

Hello Lovelies!

I feel huuuuge this week!! Only 10 weeks to go though - eek, how exciting! Can't believe how fast it's gone this time around, maybe having a toddler to look after makes time pass by faster - who knows?! Please excuse the grainy photo/messy bedroom below!


Sprout is as big as a cabbage this week! He weights about 3 pounds and he measures about 40cm from head to toe.

Due date 

Still 14 May!

How far along 

30 weeks and 2 days.


No idea, it's going to be a surprise! I feel like it's a boy though!

Stretch marks 

I found a few more since last week so have been liberally applying Lush Dream Cream to my tummy every night!

Belly button 

Only just still an 'innie' - it's sort of flat now!


I would like more please!! I had a nap this weekend with Zoe, which was lovely and I felt really refreshed afterwards, but I can't usually nap through the day unfortunately! Night times are getting pretty bad, if I wake up in the night it takes me aaages to get back off to sleep, especially if Zoe is in bed with us being a wiggle bum!


I'm still loving milk and milkshakes - soooo yummy and seem to help with heartburn too! I've been craving the taste of Red Bull but haven't given in due to amount of sugar and caffeine in them!


Still getting the bad heartburn, and the pain in my back and hips is getting worse - last night I could barely move! Any advice?


Sprout had a quiet day the other day which set me off on a spiral of worry, but is back to his usual wiggly self! He moves a lot more on an evening, just after tea and then again when I get into bed. he moves more if I lie in bed on my left side too.

What I'm missing 

Red Bull this week, I'm craving that really chemically taste! I'm missing being able to put my socks on without a lot of grunting. Oh and I miss lying on my tummy too!

What I'm looking forward to 

Martin's going away this weekend to Scotland if the weather is nice, so although I'm not looking forward to him leaving us all alone for the weekend (sob!) I usually end up at my Dad's for tea, which is always yummy!  Thanks Dad!!

Best moment this week

Quite a few people have said that I look really well, one person even used the work 'glowing' so while I don't feel that amazing, at least other people think I look it!!

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2 March 2015

TWTWC #2 - Date night, Hair-Dos and Drive-Thrus!

Hello Lovelies!!

Welcome to the week that was captured #2! I was at work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, it's getting very busy as I only have a few weeks left so trying to get everything done before I finish on 31 March - eek! This week I'm linking up with Hannah at Make, Do and Push, as well as with Aby at You Baby, Me Mummy.


I had a day off work on Thursday (woo!) so I went and got myself a haircut and had my eyebrows tidied up a bit, all ready for our date night on Friday! It was lovely to sit and be pampered and not have to worry about Zoe (who was at nursery). I found it very relaxing!

I then popped into Sainsbury's to do a bit of food shopping - again, lovely doing shopping without Zoe 'helping' and I treated myself to some new slippers before treating myself (again) to a Maccy D's - yay for payday!! When I got home, Martin's Dad was there putting up our new shelves in the sitting room, so I gave him a hand with those, then we went to pick Zoe up from nursery - she was very excited to see Grandad at the window and demanded that he sit in the back of the car with her! Martin's Dad stayed for tea as well on Thursday. Oh, and I trimmed Zoe's fringe as well! She looks like Joan of Arc now!


We had a bit of a lazy Friday this week. We went up to Rhyme Time at the Manor and saw a few friends we hadn't seen for a while which was lovely! I like Rhyme Time as it wears Zoe out! After lunch of quiche and chips we had a little nap (well, Zoe had a nap and I watched the final episode of Broadchurch - eeee!!). Zoe was staying over at Grandma's house on Friday night so that Mummy and Daddy could have date night! Grandma came and picked Zoe up about half-five, then Martin and I went out to Nando's for a lot of chicken and then on to Moo Bar which is a real-ale bar in Carlisle. If only they had some non-alcoholic ales for me!!


I had hoped for a sleep in on Saturday morning without my little Zoe-shaped alarm clock, but I was awake at about 7 anyway! I had my breakfast in bed, then we went to get Zoe from Grandma's house - where she had slept all night in her bed! Off into town for Story Time - this week it was Norman the Slug with a Silly Shell. Zoe made a silly snail after the story then we did a bit of shopping and went for burger and chips for lunch. Back home for a nap - this time for me and for Zoe! I was worn out!


We were at home all day on Sunday, trying to get the house in some sort of order ready for Sprout's arrival! Martin moved all of the 'big' books downstairs and installed them on our new shelves - but we still need to make more room! I'll do a blog post at some point about the plans for the nursery/our bedroom move - remind me OK?! We got quite a bit of moving things around done and sorting out of things, there's still LOADS to do though!

Well that was our week! Back to work today, but I have tomorrow afternoon off for no reason really! Hopefully I'll get some blog-related stuff done!

What did you do this weekend?

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You Baby Me Mummy